Friday, November 30, 2007

the little things...

even wonder why the western world has such a fear of the middle east? (well, beside the apparent american vendetta...) the middle east has islamics... and islamics do things like this over simple "misunderstandings".

"Teacher in teddy case gets 15 days"
British woman in Sudan convicted of insulting Islam after students called toy 'Muhammad'

ok, so sudan is in africa, not the middle east but the gist of my point still stands...

this lady let the kids in the class she was teaching choose the name for a teddy bear. the students picked muhammad, a popular/common name among muslim men. there was speculation that a complaint was put to the government by a "school secretary with a grudge"...

after a full-on criminal trial, the teacher was found guilty of "insulting the faith of Muslims: and sentenced to 15 days in jail. due to the efforts of "delicate diplomatic efforts" by britain and a crack human rights lawyer, this teacher only got a comparative slap on the wrist. prosecutors were calling for a more somber charge - inciting religious hatred. the punishment for that is up to 40 lashes, 6 months in prison, and a hefty fine!

good sweet mike... these people take themselves far to seriously! i could understand if muhammad effigies were being burned or places of worship were being destroyed but this is ludicrous! no one would get in an uproar if someone named a teddy bear buddha or jesus, would they?

night of the living dead!!!

jenna jameson used to be hot, right? somethign about the number 1 rated porn star of all time? the stuff of dreams for men (and possibly women) of all ages?
unfortunatly, now it looks like she got bitten by a zombie and was turned into a member of the army of the undead... when she deflated her boobs, did they accidentally deflate the rest of her as well? believe me when i say there is nothing sexy about ths:
unless you have a thing for corpses... and that's just icky...

night of the living dolls!

don't these little gems look like they'd come alive one night and try to eat your face?
gack... is there nothing this ho won't do for publicity of late? being on dancing with the stars does not constitute a career revival. it merely proves that you were the most notable f-list celebrity that was available.

and about that! how in the hell did she make it to the finals anyway??? i'm not a regular watcher of the show but i did happen to catch one performance and she was atrocious! wah... boo hoo... my son's in rehab... my dad died... i'm putting so much into this i fainted... wah, wah... vote for me! america is so guilble...

ah youth...

ok, i don't really care about the story here... a picture is worh 1000 words.
here's a picture of lindsay lohan and her sister ali, both at age 13
if you think lindsay looks like a retired stripper who spent her off days baking her skin to leather these days, just think what her sister will look like when she turns... whatever age lindsay is now?!? me thinks zee mother is responsible for this... dina lohan is probably trying to make herself younger by sucking the youth/life out of her daughters.

rainbows and babies cause it too, didn't you know?

seems now a-days, absolutely EVERYTHING causes cancer... it's actually kind of funny (not like funny haha people are suffering and dying but more like ironically funny haha) when you think about it... like being punished for our technological advancements... teflon causes cancer, aluminum foil causes cancer, radiation causes cancer, UV rays cause cancer, plastic causes cancer (don't put in the microwave! doubly as bad - i hear microwaves cause cancer too!), asbestos causes cancer, velcro causes cancer... ok, so maybe not that last one... but like it or not, it seems our own technology is killing us! and now this:

Scientists theorize 'graveyard' work disrupts body's natural rhythm, affecting production of melatonin

so this melatonin hormone can suppress tumour development and it's normally produced at night... i don't exactly get this... is it produced when it's dark out or when we sleep? or does it have to be both? i guess it has to be both or there wouldn't be a problem... i guess humans just weren't meant to be nocternal!

apparently, in the 1930s when "nighttime work was considered a hallmark of progress" the incidence of breast cancer increased sharply... and in more recent studies, it has been shown that work night shifts ARE more prone to preast cancer.

next month, overnight shift work is being added to the list of probable carcinogens... this has LARGE implications. in developed countries, approximately 20% of the working population work night shifts. now night shifts can be considered "hazardous work" and those night shifters are going to demand a "danger pay" salary increase. also, WSIB (workplace safety & insurance board) gives a worker the right to refuse any work that they feel is unsafe - for example, working with asbestos, another noted carcinogen. employers are going to have to provide training for working in hazardous conditions for all night shift employees! just imagine the money that will have to be spent on training and on pay raises... think of all the lost productivity from people refusing to work overnight...

let's just wait and see how this all plays out. i doubt it's going to be pretty...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

darth leia

here's a new one for you...
a gay bar called BED in manila has dragged up some pop culture icons to do some advertising for them... they've switched up heads and bodies of darth vader & princess leia, superman & wonder woman, and harry potter and hermoine!! all to advertise the bar's weekly drag night!

family anatomy

warning: for all non-fans of grey's anatomy, i'm going to rant a little bit here...

so meredith's sister lexie... i like her better than meredith (lets face it, meredith just has too many problems, whines, and is not nearly as hot as the people on the show are forced to believe she is...) but she's still SOO annoying. her character reeks of the desperation of the writers trying to keep this show going. her character is all over the map! you could probably break her down into several sub-characters... in other news, i know isaiah washington hates the gays but i miss preston burke! christina (my favourite character) just isn't the same without him... izzie & george - just get it over with! it's not going to happen.

alright, all that's done but it's not where i was going with this...
meredith's sister lexie - the actress who plays her, chyler leigh (what kind of a name is chyler???), did a movie back when she was 15 and starred alongside her real-life brother! the movie was kickboxing academy and apparently it was awful... there's more... wait for it... the brother-sister duo played each other's love interest!!! they even kiss! EWWW...

what? were you expecting something more exciting? nope that's it... just a little bit of incest...

olympic mascots revealed

this week, the new mascots for the 2010 olympic and paralympic winter games in vancouver were introduced to the public... while they are very cute, i do have some objections...

if you haven't already met them, say hello to sumi (an animal guardian spirit), quatchi (a sasquatch), and miga (a sea-bear)...

also say hello to stereotype city! according to the vancouver organizing committee (VANOC), these mascots "needed to represent the people, geography, and spirit of British Columbia and Canada." congrats, you did a bang up job... apparently the people of b.c. and canada are all native people that live in snow-covered forests.

for too long, canada has been portrayed as a snow-covered country populated by natives americans and the french... luckily, since the 2010 games are across the country from quebec, we are spared a frenchie. these mascots draw from native influences. i know native culture is a large part of canada's/b.c.'s history but there is SOOO much more to canada AND b.c. than that! why not branch out a little bit? multi-cultural mascots anyone?

but then again, i did some checking and apparently, mascots are traditionally highly stereotypical... amik the beaver for the '76 montreal games; sam the patriotic eagle for the '84 los angeles games; syd the platypus, olly the kookaburra, and mille the echidna for the 2000 sydney games; greek gods athena & phevos for the 2004 greece games; jingjing the panda for the 2008 beijing games... but most of these places har highly amorphous culturally or pratriotically... in canada we're known as a mosaic - we're all different and from all over! how can you pick just one theme to unite us all?and i understand that these are the winter games but does that really mean all the mascots have to be associated with the snow and the cold? favourite sports include hockey, snowboarding, and alpine skiing... favourite food: hot chocolate... favourite colour: chill blue...
damn, you know those days when it's so cold your sled dogs won't leave the igloo and even your snowmobile won't start? those are just killer... if you don't know what i'm talking about ask your second cousin jim who lives in canada... i probably know him!
you know, we DO occassionally get summer up here in the great white north!

so these cute little creatures are supposed to "appeal to children all over the world"... good thing you made such good mascots for the baby einstein olympic games! it's not just about hooking the kids... a majority of people interested in the olympics are adults. advertising PBS special style isn't going to appeal to your adult audience...

and no wonder it costs SOO much to go see the olympics!!! in order to come up with these cute litle dudes, VANOC had to narrow the field down from 177 designers! then they brought the top 5 to vancouver to see presentations. once the concept/designer was decided upon, there was a lengthy period of "conceptual development, top secret research and focus testing" as well as high security review/approval meetings. top secret research?!? are these critters a-bombs in disguise? is canada using the vancouver olympics to restart the cold war? are they UFOs that landed in prince rupert and are now being cleverly disguised in plain sight? did they shoot JFK? who knows... all i know is that it sounds expensive!

something to think about...

hmmm... very interesting... i've never really thought about this before but it's a very good point.

introducing The New View Campaign

this little group was created in 2000 to "challenge the distorted and oversimplified messages about sexuality that that pharmaceutical industry relies on to sell its new drugs."

wouldn't it be so easy is sexual problems had just simple medical solutions? apparently, that's what the pharmaceutical industry wants you to believe... these guys are trying to tell you it's a tad more complicated than that. problems in the bedroom can't all be fixed by a little (blue) pill!

it's actually really interesting and i highly suggest you check it out... for more on the story, check out's article on "Sexual performance anxiety"

ha HA!

ridiculousness reversed!

"Licence plate case to be reviewed"
Stung by uproar, province is reconsidering decision to deny retired church minister her vanity plate

so... i was not the only one up in arms about this story from yesterday...
the government, faced with public and political upset, has tucked its tail between its legs and run off! transportation minister jim bradley is now asking the "personalized licence plate review committee" to reconsider its ruling.
conservative transportation critis john o'toole (how fitting - a conservative that's a tool[e]) got it right when he said that this incident is "taking bureaucratic nit-picking to the extreme."

however, while i don't support the revoking of the plates, i DO think it's a bad idea for the government to do a complete 180 whenever the public gets in a stir. if you can get a decision reversed just by making a fuss, how can any government decision ever mean anything? it's equivalent to bad parenting... you tell your kid "no more candy!" but then the kid starts to cry and you cave and give them the candy saying "just this once..." but it's never just once... kids (and by association the pubilc) aren't as dumb as you think they are - now they've learned a valuable trick to getting their way each and every time...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

mental... energy... expended...

i really want to share this story and my thoughts on it but my brain is out of go-juice... so we'll just have to settle for me merely sharing the story with you!

"Taking the Axe to Unilever's hypocrisy"

the gist of the story is that unilever is the company behind both the axe body spray line of products and dove products... dove's all on about their "campaign for real beauty" while axe is promoting the use our product and hot women will have sex with you! angle...

some people think it's a little hypocritical of unilever to be both trying to empower women (dove) and degrade them (axe)...
"Should you be unaware, the women who push Axe body wash and body spray and other Axe body products are sleek and buxom and tiny waisted and fond of such extracurricular pursuits as pole grinding. The very sort of image that Dove decries."

i never liked the axe ads... while they might be funny and, according to vice-president of unilever canada, we're supposed to view them as "poking fun" and "a spoof on the mating game"... it's just not true... young girls look at these commercials and think ok, so those guys think girls like that are really HOT... if i want to be hot, i should look and act like that! intended spoof or not, it's going to influence people.

foretelling doom...

the countdown begins...

click here to find out what evil is lurking around the corner!

yet more ridiculousness!

"Grenada considering ban on gay cruises. reports say"
Prejudice noted before, says rights group head

"As a government, our policy is that we do not support it (homosexuality). [...] This is my question: What does the Grenadian community want of us?" ~ Tourism Minister Clarice Modeste-Curwen

first off (let's just ignore the prejudice for one itty bitty second), do you really think it's a good idea for the ministry of tourism to turn away people who want to spend money in your country?!? yeah, yeah... i know what will be good for tourism - we'll decrease the number of tourists! sounds like the best plan ever!

so for now, you only have to worry if you're on an all-gay cruise (what about cruise staff? are they banned too? or maybe they just don't let the ships come into port at all...) but is the future going to have us declaring not only or citizenship but also our sexuality on our passports? so that homophobic countries can disallow entry to anyone that might be a threat to national security and their narrow-minded version national morality? doesn't that thought make you a little queasy?


"LUV UR PL8? 2BAD4U, cleric told"
Her personalized plate yanked over road racing and religious concerns

what? WHAT?!? (seems i've been starting a lot of posts that way lately... showing just how incredulous that is the world we live in...)

it seems we've gotten a lot more politically correct in the last 20 odd years... this united church minister got her plate that read REV JO as a 50th birthday present 19 years ago and when she went to get her old rusty ones replaced this year, the "Personalized Licence Plate Review Committee" (didn't even know we had that! no wonder there is no money for daycare, education, health, and food banks...) gave her the thumbs down.

their reasons?
a) the plates "could be perceived to denote speeding or racing"
yeah, all us brain-dead motorists out there are going to follow this exact series of thoughts: REV JO -- rev? -- engines rev -- my car has an engine -- i can make my engine rev!! -- that licence plate must want me to go faster -- i better speed! yup, we're just that stupid.
b) the plates might be viewed as promoting one faith over another... what? just because plates are issued saying REV or REVRND doesn't mean plates haven't been issued that said IMAM or RABBI. the only issue would be if REV and REVRND were issued but the others were not permitted; otherwise, this reason has nothing behind it.

but this craft cleric says: "I think I'm going to keep my old battered plates and wear them as a proud symbol of the government's stupidity." good for her!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

you want me to what?

i found a collection of old ads (be they real or made-up) for stuff like razors, cigerettes, and the like and the follwoing was one of them...
this is the weirdest f'ing thing i've ever read!
first off, it's well documented that i am a child so it took me a good 10 minutes to get over the repeated use of the word douching.
second, EEEWWWWWW!!!
thrid, guys will stick it in anything...
fifth, how does being pine-fresh down there make you more desirable?
sixth, again, EWW!!!

nailed it!

if there were even an excuse for me to stop biting my nails, this would have to be it!
hot damn! who doesn't want unicorns prancing about on their fingernails?!? uhh... no one? that's what i thought!

goin' to the chapel

and we're gonna get maraaararied...
goin' to the chapel of love![source]

how you dooin'??

presenting, the gummi sutra... nothing's sexier (or tastier) than gummi bears doing it! check out more of the secret lives of gummi bears...

field trip!

ok all you transportation nerds out there... (you know who i'm talking about!) let's all go to sweden and see the coolest subway stations in the world! sheppard subway has nothing on this!

beating around the bush

can't get the stink off
he's been hanging around for years
comes like a comet
suckered you but not your friends
one day he'll get to you
and teach you how to get to purest hell

he does it to himself, he does
and that's what's really funny
is that he does it to himself
just him and no-one else
he does it to himself...

there are a whole bunch of these out there... the picture asking why bush acts so macho is really thr most poignant of the bunch... it's worth checking out. go here.

oddest of odd statues from around the world

hee hee... this is so fun! this one from brussels, belgium is my favourite! if i ever end up in brussels, you just know i'm coming back with a gillion picture of me with this statue! for more interesting statues go here.

interesting, but creepy

interestingly creepy!
ever wonder what happens to your grocery list after you've ticked off all the items?

apparently, they get collected!

this is THAT interesting to someone? they go around grocery stores collecting discarded grocery lists? i suppose it's an interesting insight on people's lives... still...

filthy rich

the original article was about Forbes' most intriguing billionaire heiresses but i thought this shallowly delicious related article was much better suited to my interests...
i present to you: Forbes' hottest billionaire heiresses!

10. Holly Branson, daughter of Virgin mogul Sir Richard Branson
9. Tamara Ecclestone, daughter of F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone
8. Delphine Arnault Gancia, daughter of luxury goods tycoon Bernard Arnault (Louis Vuitton)
7. Amanda Hearst, great-granddaughter of publishing legend William Randolph Hearst
6. Aerin Lauder, granddaughter of legendary cosmetics magnate Estee Lauder
5. Dylan Lauren, daughter of fashion icon Ralph Lauren
4. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, daughter of commodity (oil, gas, orange juice) broker Gerard
3. Nicky Hilton, heir to the Hilton hotel fortune
2. Ivanka Trump, daughter of all-around tycoon The Donald
1. Paris Hilton, other heir to the Hilton hotel fortune

really? REALLY?? paris hilton? so now hot is a metaphor for diseased?

but props to miz julia louis-dreyfus... she made it even without daddy's money!

and i thought i was bored...

PNC wealth management has been tracking the price of christmas since 1984... the 12 days of christmas, that is.
this year your 12 drummers drumming right down to your partridge in a pear tree will cost you $78,100, up 4% from last year's bargain of $75,122
blame it on the recent minimum wage hike (maids a-miking), and the increased price of food products (geese a-laying) and gold (goooooolden rings)

here's the breakdown:

partridge ~ $15 (last year: same)
pear tree ~ $150 ($130)
2 turtle doves ~ $40 (same)
3 french hens ~ $45 (same)
4 calling birds (canaries) ~ $600 ($480)
5 gold rings ~ $395 ($325)
6 geese a-laying ~ $360 ($300)
7 swans a-swimming ~ $4200 (same)
8 maids a-milking ~ $47 ($41)
9 ladies dancing (per performance) ~ $4759 (same)
10 lords a-leaping (per performance) ~ $4285 ($4160)
11 pipers piping (per performance) ~ $2213 ($2124)
12 drummers drumming (per performace) ~ $2398 ($2301)

who knew swans were that expensive???

as much as i abhor the waste of money, i like oprah's 12 days of christmas much better. who wants french hens when you can get a fridge with a tv in it?!?

tongue lashing...

now i am absolutely convinced that reports simply make up news just to entertain the public and themselves...

"Woman loses tongue in fight"

this lady stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend during a fight and he bit it off!!!
what... WHAT!?!


"Harper defiant on climate change"
PM insists all nations, not just developed ones, must work together to reduce gas emissions

that boob!! what a complete and total boob!
he wants all the conuntries in the world to reduce their emissions so he doesn't have to work so hard on his part regarding global emissions - the more other countires reduce, the less we do.
but it's the developed countries that are producing the most emissions! why not lead by example?!? if we aggressively attempt to reduce our emissions, other nations will follow!
he pulled us out of kyoto because he's too lazy... the emissions targets set for canada are marginal... instead of a 6% reduction between 1990 & 2012, we're flouncing along to 60% reduction between 2006 & 2050. by 2050, it's going to be too late! climate change is a topic that is all about the here and now! targets that will not even come to pass far and long after his government has been kicked to the curb are useless! short-term targets are the way to go because our environment only has a short-term shelf life left!
boob, boob, boob, boob, BOOB!
let's forget all the political drama and vote green to save our planet!

Monday, November 26, 2007

still on the face of the planet

nope... as happy as some of you might have been thinking i'd fallen off the face of the earth, it's just not true. i've actually had some REAL work to do! imagine that... AND it's christmas craft/gingerbread season so every hour that i'm not a work, i'm chained to my crafting station slaving away on any number of projects...
today i was cheery because my boss is going away for the week and i thought i'd have some good writing time but then i went and did this all afternoon:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

why not just shut your kid away in a cave until they're 18??

"School board pulls 'anti-God' book"
Halton's Catholic trustees and staff to review fantasy that is 'apparently written by an atheist'

oh get over yourselves!
philip pullman's book, The Golden Compass, is being pulled from school shelves and "principals have been ordered not to distribute December Scholastic book flyers" because of a complaint...
pullman is an atheist and supports his beliefs strongly. the book's characters and text are apparently "bashing Christianity and promoting atheism to children." hey, aren't christian books (say, the bible for an example...) bashing atheism and promoting christianity? why is it wrong one way but not the other??

this book was voted best children's book (suggested for kids in grades 5 & 6) in the past 70 years by global readers...

at first i was reading this and thinking this is absolutely ludicrous... but then this:
- in 2001 to The Washington Post pullman stated her was "trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief"
- in 2003, "My books are about killing God."
pretty harsh...

point the first - if atheism is the absence of belief in deities [source], how can he kill God? killing something that doesn't exist is a good trick for even jesus himself...

point the second - i still this this complaint is ludicrous...
so THAT'S how you trick people into believing in a religion - you don't let them know about any other choices!

besides, this is a fantasy novel! a work of fiction! there are books about people murdering other people (let's just say hamlet for educational sake), committing suicide (romeo & juliet), etc. that are welcomed by the educational system. we read about sinning all the time - it's just plain more interesting than "going by THE book"!!

AND you can't protect your children forever. better to give them all the facts (possibly not all at once at a young age... more like slowlly over time as curiosity would naturally bring it up) and allow them to make their own decisions and judgements.

i had to break in the middle of writing this so i sorta lost my point... but instead of rambling on further, i'm going to wrap it up. removing books that say things contray to what you're forcing kids to believe is silly and it make me a little ill. i hope that when i become a parent, i don't get hung up on petty things like this.

apparently the school board has a policy where "individual[s], parents, staff, students or community members can apply to have material reviewed." i wonder what would happen if someone applied to have a material like say the bible to be reviewed?? would they follow policy or would they make an exception?

"stem cell" and "ethical" in same sentence, not coming from a crazy hippy?

"The 'ethical' stem cell is born"
Two sets of scientists have been able to make ordinary human skin cells take on the power of embryonic stem cells and sidestep the moral quagmire dogging such research until now

ok, so i didn't actually have time to read the aritcle yet (it's actually busy at work! what the f is up with that?!?) but it's a topic of interest for me and i just wanted to put this out there and get other people's thought on it.

picture of the week - nov. 22

hmmm... what an interesting way to transport a vehicle...

actually, the picture is quite clever for the accompanying article about how older vehicles on the road has been increasing over the last decade. i don't think this is quite what they meant...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

bah humbug

instead of ridding the world of hunger and/or disease for christmas, again this year, oprah did her "Oprah's Favourite Things" episode...

here's the sawg:

Samsung Progressive HD Camcorder SC-HMX10C - $799.99
UGG Australia Classic Crochet Tall Boot - $120
TOYWATCH Crystal and Coloured Crystal Watch - $150-$1500
Perfect Endings Cupcakes from William-Sonoma - $59 (set of 9)
Melamine Bowls, Measuring Cups and Spoons from William-Sonoma - $50
The Artisan Stand Mixer from KitchenAid Home Appliances - $349.99
The Discovery Channel's Planet Earth DVD Set - $59.95
Kai Body Butter and Body Buffer - $83
CLARISONIC Skin Care System - $195
Claus Porto Soaps from Lafco New York - $42 (set of 3)
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett - $24.95
Breville Ikon Panini Press from William-Sonoma - $99.95
HDTV Refrigerator with Weather and Info Center from LG Electronics Model LSC27991 - $3799
Ciao Bella Blood Orange Sorbetto - $4.99
Rachel Pally Swing Turtleneck and Sailor Pants - $335
Scrabble Premier Edition from Hasbro - $70
United Artists 90th Anniversary Prestige Collection - $869.98
Shaklee Get Clean Starter Kit - $89.60
O's Guide to Life - $29.95
Josh Groban's Noel CD - $9.99 (Itunes)

and now i know you've been doing the math in your head as we went along... so what's the big total?!? a staggering $7592.34 PER PERSON! let's say there are like 150 people in the audience... that's like $1.1 million!!! imagine all the other things that could be done with that money?!? it just blows me away... sure it's nice to share the wealth but when you're worth like $260 million this is just chump change.

santa oprah, next year for chirstmas can you please cure cancer instead?
there are thousands of people who would be much more excited about that than a fridge with a TV in it...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

happy 200th post!

woohoo! i actually made it to 200! i'm so proud of me! hope my boredom has done some good for your boredom as well... here's to another 200 posts of frivolous wonderment!

sassy swimmin' squirrel!

BBC online is reporting on this and calling it news...

"Squirrel's epic swim across lake"
Tourists on board a pleasure boat in the Lake District could not believe their eyes when they spotted a red squirrel in the biddle of Ullswater.apparently this little guy swam almost 275m - approx. the length of 6 swimming pools!!!

people on the boat lowered a rope to the tiny swimmer and he scurried up it and hitched a ride back to shore!

witnesses say: "This squirrel was swimming strongly and had its tail coiled on its back so it didn't look bedraggled or as if it was struggling"

the squirrel was all like don't bother me while i'm working out! how would you like it if i came up to you while you were swimming your laps and stared at you, huh???

the marvels of technology

so some people have taken celebrities with healthy body images--meaning they aren't actively trying to change the way they look--and shot their egos right through the heart.

here be the little tag line accompanying the pics: "Using the power of Photoshop (and the guidance of plastic surgeon Dr. Youn), we've improved some famously imperfect mugs."

check out adrien brody as the new hugh jackman:
and witness zach braff still looking like a troll... but a very humourous troll:

how fair is that?

ok so yesterday when i was out surveying the whole day the weather was doing everything it could (aside from snowing, thankfully) to assure me that i was actually november... and today it's like we sped through winter overnight and now it's may. couldn't we have skipped to may on sunday night instead? oh but sunday was equally as beautiful as today... so it's like the weather was deliberately malicious towards me! seriously, how fair is that?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

sexy time

so People magazine has come out with their "sexiest man alive 2007" list and i'm having a hard time choking it down. sure most of them are good looking but i'd hardly call them the sexiest men alive. it's like the other day when we had the unsexiest list and i was all like, "excuse me?" (at least none of the people appear on both lists...) the people making these lists either need to get their eyes checked or explain their criteria a little better. i'm pretty sure that their definition of sexy is "has a movie or project in the works" or "sells tabloids"

14. Justin Timberlake - i've never really been a fan. even at the top of his nsync days when it seemed everyone i knew was secretly making out with his posters i didn't get it. fine, he's shed his "boy band" beginnings but he still sounds like alvin & the chipmunks.

13. Will Yun Lee - who? if the little write-up hadn't told me he's a bionic woman cast member, i would have never known. let's just say there are hot chinese people (a la jet lee) and there are the not hots (william hung)... this guy manages to straddle both categories.

12. Adrian Grenier - i never got into the whole entourage thing so i can't speak for how hot or not he is in the show... he's kinda non-traditional good looking or "interesting" looking.

11. Ben Affleck - meh... i tire of this man. he's just not interesting. fine, he has a nice body but being one of the sexiest men alive warrants more than that.

10. Shemar Moore - this guy managed to sneak on the list without any recent tabloid scandal or a new project. he's been on criminal minds for a little while now so that's old news. maybe this guy just got on cause he's actually sexy? and now i can't stop thinking about the nude pictures of him on vacation somewhere...

9. Javier Bardem - eww... not attractive in the least. he's got a very sexy name though... AND a new love story movie coming out.

8. Will Smith - booorrring... swap him out for taye diggs and you can still keep the token black count at 2!

7. Dave Annable - had no idea who this was until i read his little blurby; apparently he's on brothers & sisters... another show i don't watch. however, the picture of him they used is absolutely adorable. i just want to eat him right up!

6. Johnny Depp - sure, he's a brilliant actor, and he's eclectic, and he lives in france... i still don't find him particularly sexy. i think he'd be incredibly interesting to talk to...

5. James McAvoy - again, who? appartently he was in some film with keira knightly... whatever. not sexy.

4. Brad Pitt - is it just me or is brad pitt turning into robert redford??? i watched the sting and boy did johnny hooker ever look like a young brad pitt!! now brad is older and looking more and more like the elder mr. redford... all the stress of having all those kids is giving him serious wrinkles!

3. Ryan Reynolds - finally! someone i agree with. if you don't believe me, all you need to do it go rent blade trinity and watch it on mute! the acting's atrocious but you can make up your own dialouge and it's much more entertaining that way.

2. Patrick Dempsey - mcdreamy this, mcdreamy that... pfft... he's really not THAT good looking. most of the time i think he just looks tired. his involvment in it still does not deter me from wanting to go see enchanted. come on! fairy tales transplanted into the real world! the prince gets bowled over by a pack of cyclists whilst attempting to burst into song!

1. Matt Damon - eww... jason bourne as #1? come on... let's have pete doherty at the top of another list!! but you guys went with matt damon, eh? that's jsut puzzling.

here's an important question: where's josh duhamel in all this? cause the following is one of the damned sexiest picture i've ever seen...

unhappy hugs

"Dispute over girl's hugging detentions resolved"

say what? a 13-year-old girl was given 2 detentions for hugging her friend goodbye for the weekend... apparently, the school has a policy that bans public displays of affection.

what the hell kind of school does this poor girl go to??? they banned public displays of affection? did they also ban the showing of emotion? can you imagine what these kids must be like? i'm thinking zombies. robot zombies?

at a meeting with the school district, it seems the parents had no problems with the punishment - they told their daughter just to serve the detentions to avoid getting into any more trouble... the parents were satisfied with the promise that the district will look into revising the policy.

this give me the squidgets... makes my skin crawl that the kids can't express themselves. i wouldn't put my kid in a school that had a similar policy. kids are being sheltered far too much these days.

good grief...

so apparently, not only should america not be trusted with guns, they shouldn't even be allowed to handle non-deadly weapons...

"Wis. cop accidentally shocks slef with Taser"

idiot tased himself while performing a standard checkout procedure... and now he's getting an official reprimand for violation of department policy that states you're supposed to make sure the thing isn't loaded before you fiddle with it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

[in a bad english accent] king of the who?

King Arthur: King of the Britons.
Woman: Who are the Britons?
King Arthur: Well, we all are. We are all Britons. And I am your king.

new british prime minister gordon brown is on the hunt for a new national motto and some britons are giving him quite the sassing... here's a few of some of the amusing suggestions from the public:
~ In America we trust
~ At least we're not French
~ Taxation with representation in tyranny
~ Created by heroes, destroyed by Labour
~ Our Government no longer listens
~ Once mighty empire, slightly used
~ Chicken tikka masala, chips and rice
~ Americans who missed the boat

for a more complete list, go here.

artery traffic jam!

"Caution: Baconator bites back"
Another 'food' no one should eat
gross, gross, gross, gross, GROSS!
you know, when i first saw the ads for this "burger" i thought to myself, "now that's totally unnecessay!" but then i thought, "wow, i like bacon!" but there's no way i like bacon THAT much! the junior cheeseburger or even, if i'm feeling extra hungry, the junior bacon cheeseburger will do it for me! and how can they even call that cardboard stuff bacon? it's like the kind you nuke for 5 seconds and it's all crisy and ready... fake, fake, fake... But i guess it's not like real bacon is any better for you...
here's the break down on the baconator...

cost: $5.49

what you get: 2 114g hamburger patties, 2 chedder cheese slices, 6 pieces of bacon, mayo, ketchup, mustard, honey mustard, dill pickles, onion, tomato, lettuce, wheat-flour bun

how it stacks up: 840 calories (40+% daily recommended intake), 36g carbs, 51g fat, 57g protein... not to mention more than the daily recommended intake for sodium.

i always love the people who order the big mac meal at mcd's with the super-sized fries and then proceed to order a diet coke... like that's going to help.

mind over matter

"I think the reason I never ended up in as much trouble as Paris or Lindsay is that I'm not stupid, so I'd never do a lot of the things those girls do."

~ the lovely & ever-so-classy ms. tara reid

the amazing fix-all tool

"Wash. state man uses shotgun to loosen lug nut"

remember this and THIS???

american IQ + guns = bad things!!!

apparently this brain cell deficient loonie was trying to loosen a lug nut on his car and was "bound and determined to get that lug nut off," according to a local police deputy. so, following normal logic, he decided to fire his shotgun at it! the man was hit in both legs (with other injuries all the ay up to his neck) with buckshot and debris... he's now in hospital with "severe but not life-threatening" injuries.

prepare your tastebuds!

"Mmmmm... ham soda!"

Jones Soda Co. is coming out with holiday-themed, limited edition sets of flavoured soda...
this year, there are 2 types. the christmas set includes flavours such as sugar plum, christmas tree, egg nog & christmas ham while the hanukkah set has flavours like jelly doughnut, apple sauce, chocolate coins & latkes. ifyou ask me, the hanukkah set sounds much more appealing!

last year, the holiday pack was thanksgiving-themed with flavours including turkey, gravy, green pea, sweet potato, dinner roll & (of course) antacid!

the jones company also has a contract to supply the seattle seahawks home arena (qwest field) with specialty soda... the flavours available include perspiration, dirt, sports cream & natural field turf...

i think this "every flavour bean"-esque nonsense it too much! why would you want soda that tasted like christmas tree or sports cream??? yeuch...

Monday, November 12, 2007

giving a hoot

"Orphaned owls find new cuddly-toy mum"
A group of orphaned baby owls snuggle up to a cuddly toy which has become their surrogate mum after they were found on the brink of death in the wild. apparently, these are tawny owl chicks... aren't they so cute? poor little guys all gots lost from their mummys! but now they're doing well at an animal hospital and are expected to make full recoveries! horray!

who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

here's johnathan rhys meyers at the new york premiere of august rush doing his best to ensure that when they inevitably do a crappy remake of trainspotting, he gets the role of mark renton.

scratch & sniff

after coming out with their unsexiest list, maxim has gone and outdone itself by coming out with a list of celebs that will make your nose pack it's bags and head for the hills just looking at them!

once again, pete doherty is at his best being the worst... first it was the unsexiest man, now he's topping the list of famous people who look like they smell! does this man (??) ever shower? he usually looks like he went shopping for his clothes in a dumpster and also spent the night there!

other stink-tacular "famous people" on the list include:
cisco adler
liza minnelli
matthew mcconaughey (yes, your body is rock solid from working out but you should still shower and invest in some personal grooming)
sean lennon
vincent gallo (who?)
carrot top
and the always lovely britney spears.

night of the living remakes

so apparently, hilary swank got an award at the Time for Peace Awards for her contribution (what contribution? all she did was act in a movie her publicist thought would be a good project) to the movie freedom writers.

wasn't that movie just a poor re-telling of 1995's dangerous minds?
at-risk, inner city kids are headed down the wrong track, new teacher arrives & tries to (unsucessfully) connect with the kids, teacher sees things from different perspective, teacher gets to kids & inspires them, kids go on to bigger & better things than their surroundings... sound familiar?

so yeah, the USofA is at war, and the movie title has the word "freedom" in it and kids are now officially the future... does all that really translate into enough evidence for an award for the lead actor in a movie? besides, michelle pfeiffer was much hotter and much more convincing in the caring teacher roll...

no fat chicks

"Disneyland's 'Small World' attraction to get upgrade"
Disneyland insists fat tourists aren't to blame, but the park's upgrade of its 41-year-old attraction will include deepening the waterway and making its boats more buoyant.
HA! not because of fat tourists my fat ass!!!
"heavier-than-anticipated" boats are dragging to a halt in 2 seperate spots along the multi-cultural cruise - at the canadian mounties & the scandinavian geese! so that the ride can continue, they actually ask people to get out of the boats!!

the national center for health statistics (USA) says that from 1960 to 2002, the average weight for men has ballooned from 166 lbs to 191 and the average weight for women went from 140 to 164!!

oh, and the compensation for getting politely asked to disembark the small world boat? a free food ticket.

want to sterilize your eyes?

click here to watch a trailer for the sh*t factory of a movie that is jessica simpson's latest "acting" endeavour: major movie star

"witlessly enlists in the U.S. Army hoping in vain that it will change her life"
"joins the army on a whim and finds herself in a more difficult situation that she ever expected"
now, which one is major movie star and which one is private benjamin???

(ps - i don't think those enlisted in the army past, present, or future would think that joining the army didn't change their lives or that they did it in vain... drat! my dripping scarcasm seems to have given away the answer to my tricky, tricky question!)

who lets jessica simpson keep being in movies? i know she's blond and had a huge rack but aren't those assest for a different type of movie?

it's like her head is full of cotton! ALL of her movies (possibly with the expection of dukes of hazzard but only because johnny knoxville is awesome!) have been complete bombs. so fine, she's a tabloid magazine's wet dream but that doesn't make her a bankable actress! stop hiring her so keeps thinking people like watching her!

when your cousin's also your mom

idiots... all of them! these "team britnay" people look like they are the poster children for inbreeding!
as much as it skeeves me out, i'm on team federline for this hillbilly debate! he's a douche but he's a douche who's cleaned up his act, sheltered himself from the public eye, and who seems (no confirmation on this... could just be a douche-esque publicity stunt) to care about the well-being of his children!
britney just seems to be getting crazier by the day... biotch purportedly failed one of those court-imposed, random drug tests the other day... somebody slap her! she's got to worry about keeping custody of her own brain before she can even think about custody of her kids.
her having kids must have been one cruel joke... in a perfect world, she'd be sterile.

picture of the week - nov. 12

the caption for this picture says it's a cosmic ray nursery... this is a galaxy called centaurus and is a whopping 325 million light years from earth.
i didn't have the mental energy to actually read a science article this morning but you can give your brain a workout here.

hey tough guy!

"Hey Don: It's not Hockey Fight In Canada"

hey chris zelkovich: it might as well be!
a hockey game just isn't a hockey game without a brawl! it's not the same phenomenon in other sports because THEY ARE OTHER SPORTS!!!
sean avery is a goon and deserves every punch that comes his way! he goes after players (not even just other scrappers) and needs to be shown who's boss before he todd-bertuzzi's someone. he's one of those guys who's out there to make trouble.
and bob cole & harry neale repeating each other? that's hardly anything new!
i know this chris guy is supposed to be a sports writer but has he ever watched a hockey game from start to finish?
hockey and on-ice fisticuffs go hand-in-hand.

Friday, November 9, 2007

gaze into the crystal ball...

if christina aguilera had followed britney down the trailer trash highway of fuck-tard-ed-ness (try making up a new word - it's fun!) i think this is what she would look like now:
fortunately, this did not come to pass... that "insanely hot" mess of a human being (??) up there is ivy queen at the latin grammys or something... apparently she's actually a somewhat successful composer/singer from puerto rico... but that still doesn't mean she isn't CRAZY!

political pipe dreams

"Neorhinos promise weekly orgasms, marijuana for all"

what's old is new again! this new political party ( is one "claiming to be a reincarnation of the defunct Rhinocerous party that specilized in political satire" back in the day. The original rhions were formed in 1963 and hit their peak in 1980 where they won 1.01% of the popular vote!

party promises include: declare spanish as canada's official language, pass legislation forcing stephen harper to go on a diet, replace soldier's weapons with paintball guns, create a national gas barbeque registry, replace the defence department with a ministry of laughter...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

all i want for christmas...

is NOT these toys!
a new toy is being pulled from the shelves just in time for christmas!
aquadots and their australian cousins, bindeez, are being recalled amid safety concerns that the product contains a chemical that, when swallowed, ,etabolizes in the "date-rape" drug GHB.

when ingested, unconsciousness, seizures, drowsiness, coma, and even death can occur.

2 children state-side have already been hospitalized after slipping into comas after eating the beads.

china, listen up! this is NOT the way to take over the world! painting toys with lead, including choking hazards as "prizes", and drugging america's children is not the way to go. pick a new strategy!

making my day!

remember this, and this, and THIS???

well cortesy of the wonderful ladies over at, here is some more fun and hilarity at the expense of the ever-wholesome kim kardashian...

"Fugging Up With the Kardashians"

you really must read it... if you're having a down day, it'll totally perk you right up!

2 certainties in life: death and...

(another rant worthy subject but hopefully i've used all my hot air on the speeders)

robbing from the rich and giving to the poor?
that's not how the canadian government likes to work...

a new study, for the years between 1990 & 2005, says that rich people (annual income >$265,000) have had a decline in their tax rate of 4 percentage points to 30.5% while the poor (income <$13,500) have had a increase of 5 percentage point to 30.7%

how the hell fair is that? the amount of taxes you pay should be directly proportionate to the amount you make! and i'm all for making really low income earners exempt from taxes. i think the amount that untaxable just recently went up into the $9,000 range but that's absurd! people just above the untaxable amount end up with less than those just below the line - so what's really the point of getting a raise from $8,000/yr to $10,000/yr? the lower earner ends up with $1000 more cash to play with.

i can't even imagine scratching together $13,500 a year and having less than $10,000 after taxes... i knew income tax was a pain in the ass but (being mildly ignorant of political/government stuff) i never know it was that much!

sobbing speeders

"Drivers stunned by new speeding law"

where have these people been for like the last 4 months? hiding under a rock? actively ignoring the world outside what pertains to them? did they not squeeze out a little emotion for the tragic accidents that speeding (specifically street racing) has caused? how could you have possible not known about the new street racing laws? there have been radio & tv commercials, newspaper announcements, and signs on the highway! you head has to be pretty far up your ass if you think you're going to get away with claiming ignorance when the fuzz nabs your sorry ass!

how in hell can you not realize you're going 50 over the speed limit?!?
ontario police sgt dennis mahoney-bruer offers a hint: "A little indication (is) if you're going down the highway and you're passing everybody - hello, chances are you're speeding." it's not that everyone else on the road drives like your grandmother - it's you mother-f**ker!

wah-wah... you f**king babies. what did you think was going to happen? only a ticket? for only 20 over, you get a substantial ticket and demerit points on your license! that 30 (or more) extra over something that's already illegal! you think there will be the same or less consequence? you head really must be up you ass! a line had to be drawn somewhere or else people would just keep going faster and faster. i feel absolutely no sympathy for there boo-hooers that have had their cars impounded and licenses suspended.

but will they learn anything? unfortunately, probably not. this new law has given drivers the pipe dream that they can anywhere up to just under 150 without getting nabbed! says mahoney-bruer, "[...] I went out looking for 50km/h and above [I] had none. The highest speed I had was 48 over." but really, what's the difference between 148 and 150? there really ought to be exponential speeding fines. that way, even speeders going just under the "big punishment" level will still be severely punished.

i'm not saying i'm the perfect driver... not by a long shot. i occasionally tailgate. i pass on the right. i speed, but not excessively. my top speed is generally 130 on the highway with very few exceptions. my comfort speed (for me and coincidentally my car's engine) is only about 115. but my speeding isn't just about liking to go fast, it's mostly about fear - fear of getting driven off the road by people who think the speed limit is set as a minimum! when you're passing someone at 130 in the designated passing lane and some turkey comes ripping up behind you and starts high-beaming you, your life starts flashing before your eyes! people in a hurry are often angry... perhaps for no particular reason, perhaps at you for making them take their foot off the gas pedal or having the remember again where the brake pedal is... who knows but stories of road rage are plentiful and speeding to save your skin is often necessary. but an excuse like that will never fly when the po-po pull you over so don't try it.

ok... i think i've got it all out now. being intruped several times whislt writing this has calmed my rage a tad which i think is probably a good thing. i feel much better. thanks for listening!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

got the hiccups?

cause shit like this will scare them out of you so good that you'll never get them again!!
and i'm actually going to go ahead a apologize to lindsay lohan... compared to this, she's actually looking pretty smokin' hot, healthy, and not at all strung out. even if that fantastic mess up there ever got clean, i don't think she'd look as good as linday at her worst!

word of the day

having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force


digg this guy

taye diggs is hot, yes? i like looking at him... he could be eating cereal for i care. possibly in his boxers... as the morning sun streams in the kitchen window and catches him just right... enough about that. so hot people usually know they look good, right? riddle me this, riddle me that - why wouls someone who can look as nice as this:
place himself in a predicament where he ends up looking like this:i know what you're thinking but it's NOT halloween (anymore) and he's NOT wearing an urkel costume. some hopefully soon to be unemployed stylist did this to him! why??? why, why, WHY?!? what happened to the grown-up turtle necks and leather jackets of old? what happened to posing with no shirt on? he's the only reason i'm still watching private practice but if he keeps this up, the show's already declining audience will lose one more!

always greener on the other side

"1,200 pounds of 'grass' found in Grass Lake Township"

a trucker from tucson, arizona has been arrested in grass lake township (just 74 miles west of detroit) after state police pulled him over for an "equipment violation" and found 48 bales (!!!) of marijuana stowed amongst the shipment of sports drinks.

wow... just, wow... if you're going to be trucking drugs cross-country, at least let's move something a little more lucrative!

a very good idea

"Parking tickets for toys in Red Deer"

this holiday season, parking violators will have a chance to pay their parking tickets by way of a donation to the red deer christmas bureau society. toys collect go into christmas hampers distributed by the society.
here's how it work: anyone who gets a parking tickets from Nov. 1 to Dec. 5 can pay the ticket by buying a brand new toy of equal value... i sure hope it doesn't have to be just one toy or some kids are going to be getting some pretty expensive toys in their christmas hampers! i'd rather buy several smaller/less expensive toys so they might be spread around further.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

the amazing spidergirl!

"Girl with four arms and four legs undergoes surgery in India"
"The girl [Lakshmi] is joined to a 'parasitic twin' that stopped developing in the mother's womb. The surviving fetus absorbed the limbs, kidneys and other body parts of the undeveloped fetus."

considered a goddess in her village, lakshmi's parents just want her to be normal - they've already had to hid her after a cirus tried to buy her!!

surgery complications include: 2 spines, 4 kidneys (sell those extra suckers!), entangled nerves, 2 stomach cavities, and 2 chest cavities... plus who else knows what else the doctors will find!

surprisingly, the doctors are putting the chances of lakshmi surviving at 75-80%

UPDATE: doctors who performed lakshmi's 24-hour surgery are saying it went "wonderfully well"

anger management ahoy!

good sweet mike! the craziness that goes on in the good city of toronto is beyond belief... just the other day i was remarking on living in a world where reporters make up news for shock value alone and now this!

"Police have arrested a man in connection with a road-rage incident [...] in which a cyclist stabbed a motorist with a screwdriver."

apparently the cyclist was cut off by the motorist who was turning left... the driver was left with stab wounds to the neck and face!!! holy m-f'ing shit! this cyclist guy must have some serious internal issues!

cyclists think they're above the law anyway... they want to be treated like other vehicles on the road but then you see the on the sidewalk or crossing to make a turn on a pedestrian signal or flying up alongside you're car when you're trying to make a a right turn. make up your minds! do you want to be vehicular traffic or do you want to be pedestrians?!? you can't have it both ways!

yes, i'm shallow

remember when ethan hawke was hot (i had such a crush on him in white fang!) and didn't looking like the desert chewed him up and spit him out? geezes... he looks like he could be harrison ford's older brother!

Monday, November 5, 2007

so super classy

so according to my sources, there's a group on facebook called "30 Reasons Girls Should Call It A Night" and it's become a popular site for all those classy gals (like so classy they should be having tea with the queen on a daily basis) out there to post pictures of themselves smashed off of this planet!
i can understanding posting pictures of your friends for a laugh and to embarrass them but posting pictures of yourself at your worst just doesn't seem like a good idea... does that mean you're actual proud of the situation you've gotten yourself into? look at me everyone! i don't know my limits! aren't i totally the greatest party animal you've ever seen?!? my incomprehension and extreme pity for these brain cell deficient drunkards is just inexpressible...
to read a list of the "reasons" go here - they're actually quite amusing when not paired with the girls-with-low-self-esteem pictures...


so this is the face of sobriety?

even after getting "clean", lindsay lohan still looks like she got sucked up into one of those street sweeping machines.

listen kiddies, don't get into it in the first place cause you don't want to be looking like a 60-year old retied prostitue when you're only 21... okay? okay. i'm glad we had this littel chat.

copy cats!

after my sterling rendition of the clash's london calling, altered to report on the giant sinkhole in london, ontario, those hilarious ladies over at have copied my completely original idea using billy joel's uptown girl to most apologetically fug the lovely ms. cristie brinkley's tragically misguided pants.
double your irony fun - brinkley was married to joel for nearly 10 years!!!

bringing unsexy back

in response to maxim's list of unsexiest women alive, AOL has put out their own list of the unsexiest men... i think those people over at AOL need to get their eyes or their sky-high expectations checked or something because this list seems a tad strange to me.

11. Ben Stiller - umm... hello? great personality, sense of humour - aren't these things the ladies (and guys for that matter) are looking for?? and he's not even bad looking! it's not like he's carrot top or something...

10. Eric Dane - non-traditionally handsome in the face but he's got a nice body and his mcsteamy bad boy attitude is totally sexy.

9. (tied) Ryan Phillippe & Josh Hartnett - both used to be complete teenbeat heartthrobs but now are just meh thanks to crazy facial hair & some recently underwhelming performance. but bad acting does not an unsexy man make.

8. Pete Wentz - ok, so i agree here. what happened though? he used to be SO hot... now he's just a hot mess. you can't be 16 forever, honey...

7. James Blunt - so he's got a face that's like a halloween mask 365 days of the year but he's soulful and has an amazing voice... plus petra nemcova seemed to think he was pretty sexy there for awhile!

6. Kevin Connolly - i have no idea who this is so i really can't complain about his inclusion on this list...

5. Howard Stern - completely agree here. hit all the branches on his way out of the ugly tree and is so demeaning to others that i'm embarrassed for him. he does have a super hot wife though... how'd that happen?

4. Simon Cowell - yup, i'm going to agree on this one too... i accidentally saw pictures of him in swim trunks on a gossip website and had to run to the bathroom to toss my cookies.

3. Wilmer Valderrama - aside from being swimming with venereal diseases after sleeping with lindsay lohan AND ashlee simpson, he doesn't seem that bad to me...

2. Brandon Davis - complete sleaze... he's got more disease than ol' wilmer up there...

1. Pete Doherty - finally, they get one completely and totally right! ~shudder~

statuary hijinks

"Elaborate prank leaves Oregon police station overrun by lawn gnomes"

hee hee... i don't know what it is about garden gnomes but they always make me giggle. my neighbour has some lawn ornaments--specifically cherubs and angels--and i always joke that i'm going to do something to them in the middle of the night - tip them over, place them in lewd positions, replace them with porcelain squirrels or those sesame street lawn statues you can get... one day, one day...

but back to the story... 75 lawn ornaments were stolen from various homes around town and meticulously arranged on the lawn of one house. after authorities were alerts all the figurines (including the infamous gnomes, geese, deer, and frogs) were taken to the local police station for owners to claim.

says capt. richard harrison: "We need to get them out of here. [...] Everytime I leave my office they're sitting in my chair, working on my computer. I can't seem to get rid of the darn things."

hell on earth...

now why would you want to go and live in hell?
this halloween, a couple from hell, michigan won a $115,001 lottery prize...
i wasn't so interested in the lottery story as i was just in the town itself.
there's even a link on the wikipedia site directing you to a weather forecast for the area so you can see if hell's frozen over! quite amusing...
it's a small town... we all know what small towns are like... so i wonder, how many churches do you think there are in hell?

fatty mcfatfat

apparently, getting more sleep reduces your chance of being obese... well, for kids at least...

"Researchers have found that every additional hour per night a Grade 3 student spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being obese in Grade 6 by 40 per cent."

how this relates to adults? sleep-deprived adults produce more of a hormone called ghrelin (promotes hunger) and less leptin (signals fullness)

9.5 hours is the magic number for grade 3 students... according to this study, any more sleep than that significantly lowers the risk of obesity. someof the kids in the study were getting as much as 12 hours of sleep (including naps) a day!! 12 hours?!? geeze... their parents must really enjoy their alone time to have the kid sleeping that much!

Friday, November 2, 2007


why is hilary's lady bump hanging out the bottom of this "dress"?

so maybe it's not a dress... maybe it should be! it would be really nice if it was a dress... why oh why didn't they make it a dress? maybe it's made from a baby leopard and they just didn't have enough! anyway... i'll always think of ms. duff as a child, never a grown-up or sex symbol as she seems to attempting to morph herself into. she'll always be sweet little lizzy mcguire to me!

age appropriate?

so in essence, i am a large child and i still enjoy the little things in life...
today i got out one of my kinder surprises (don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about) and after assembling my toy i found myself thinking of the appropriateness of said toy for children...

no, those aren't some delightful, green, stubby shoes she's wearing... this little toy has a HUGE rack! and i am not mistaken in this matter... none of the other little toys in this seris have feet either! it's all beards, neck frills and collars!

going greener... baby steps

"City approves new guidelines for eco-friendly parking lots"
Standards call for trees, walkways, lighting, improved drainage and enhanced landscaping

hang the code, and hang the rules. they're more like guildelines anyway!
actually, they are ONLY guidelines... none of these newly approved changes are mandatory - they are just put in place to make the city council seems more eco-friendly without actually having to change anything. they claim that designing new parking lots with these guildelines in mind will improve the chances of a plan being approved i'm wary that, like always, approval will be steered by the coin purse rather than good ideas.

the list of recommended changes includes: creating landscaped areas (what profitable parking lot operator would do this? that landscaped area is potentially more parking spaces that they can charge $8/hr instead of emptying their pockets to buy trees and shrubs and maintain them!) with permanent irrigation systems, using light-coloured and porous paving materials, switching to energy-efficient light fixtures, and adding public art (art? that's money output with no gain whatsoever! the city can pay for it's own beautification!)