Thursday, May 27, 2010

word of the day - may 27 10

1. of, pertaining to, or constituting visual imagery vividly experienced and readily reproducable with great accuracy and in great detail.
2. marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and exacting recall especially of visual images.

screw being diplomatic, let's make fun of other languages!

World's Sexiest Named Dinosaur

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

evolution is REAL!

while not nearly as frightening as squids with elbows, these australian fish with 'hands' might be a little scary to any creationists out there...
Nine Fish With "Hands" Found to Be New Species

word of the day - may 26 10

1. not easily excited to action or display or emotion; apathetic; sluggish.
2. self-possessed, calm, or composed.
3. of the nature of or abounding in the humor phlegm.

the 'humor phlegm' eh? eww...?

bonus word of the day
1. the thick mucus secreted in the respiratory passages and discharged through the mouth, esp. that occuring in the lungs and throat passages, as during a cold.
2. one of the four elemental bodily humors of medieval physiology, regarded as causing sluggishness or apathy.
3. sluggishness, indifference, or apathy.
4. self-possession, calmness, or composure.

daily aww...

TORTOISE V. HARE :: BIG RACE!! from Dylan Stiles on Vimeo.

we missed it!

while everyone was off having a long weekend in celebration of beer victoria day, we should have been off having a long weekend in celebration of World Turtle Day instead!
The purpose of World Turtle Day, May 23, sponsered yearly since 2000 by [the] American Tortoise Rescue, is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive.
Turtle Day is celebrated worldwide in a variety of ways, from dressing up as turtles to saving turtles caught on highways, to research activities.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

word of the day - may 20 10

transitive verb
to shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful).

what's important

on this list of the world's greatest inventions, #1 should have been "taking things for granted" or "ignorance"
i don't know what sample of vapid idiots they polled for this list but they should probably all be sterilized.

here are a few of the inventions and their rankings:

1. wheel
8. iphone
11. contraceptive pill
16. steam engine
22. toilet paper
24. google
29. hot water (does that even count??)
34. hair straighteners
39. space travel
42. bed
66. make-up
69. the game of football
82. facebook

i suggest checking out the whole list to see what outranked what...


ok, don't get me wrong... one of the last things in the world i'd want is to get caught in a picture with rihanna that probably got circulated around the entire interweb 100 million times over but these things don't happen to me. they happen to other people and so i feel that it's ok to laugh. ESPECIALLY when the unfortunate lump of a person following close in rihanna's footsteps looks to be wearing the world's largest snuggie backwards.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

word of the day - may 18 10

transitive verb
1. to make faulty or imperfect; to render defective; to impair; as, "exaggeration vitiates a style of writing."
2. to corrupt morally; to debase.
3. to render ineffective; as, "fraud vitiates a contract."

the end is nigh...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

embarrassed to be bare assed

Man stuck in river 'too embarrassed to call for help'
A man who got stuck in river mud was so embarrassed that he didn't call for help for four hours - even though he had a mobile phone.
Xiao Chen got into difficulties when he decided to go for a swim in the Chang Jiang River late at night. The 25-year-old approached what he believed was the edge of the river, only to find that he was sinking up to his waist in silt.

Even though he had a mobile phone on him, Xiao was so embarrassed by his predicament that didn't call for help for four hours, before finally giving up on his attempts to free himself and asking two passing fishermen for help.

It then took emergency services a further seven hours to actually get him free.

Their task was made more difficult due to further embarrassment on Xiao's part - despite the fact that a crew of firemen all stripped down to their underwear to help in the rescue, he refused to undo his own trousers so that he could be more easily pulled free from the mud.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

word of the day - may 12 10

suspension; temporary cessation.

delicious, delicious math

yesterday, out of desperation, i purchased a chocolate bar from the vending machine for $1.25 using 20 coins. what coins and how many of each did i use?

there may or may not be more than one answer... i really didn't bother checking.

let them eat cake dirt

Indonesian village snacks on soil for better health
In Indonesia, soil is not just a raw material for bricks and ceramics, it's also a snack that one family has been making for generations.

Tuban, in East Java Province, is the only village that produces "ampo," a snack made from clean, gravel-free dark earth collected from nearby paddy fields.

Although there is no medical evidence, villagers believe the soil snacks are an effective pain-killer and pregnant women are encouraged to eat them as it is believed to refine the skin of the unborn baby.

There is no real recipe: makers of the snack use a wooden stick to pound the soil into a hard, solid mass.

Rolls of dirt are then scraped off the with a bamboo dagger, baked and smoked in large clay pot for half and hour and then they're ready to serve.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

oh horror of horrors!

How I Went 24 Hours Without Spending Any Money...In New York City

ok, i just want to punch this bitch in the teeth for her absolute decadence and how she's weeping about how trying it was for her to go an entire day without spending a single penny... i want to vomit on her for feeling so proud of herself for actually accomplishing the task... and i want someone trip her into a mud puddle for trivializing what some people have to go through every day and calling it "unsustainable"...

if i launch into everything that irks me about this article i might literally boil my own blood so i'm just going to inform you of my disgust and let you read it on your own.

a vacation fit for a king sewer rat

ok, hotels are pretty much the same no matter where you go... the furniture, the linens, the lamp... and WHERE do they ALL get that same picture that hangs over the bed?!?

well, if you're sick of getting that deja vu feeling every time you check into a hotel, i have the perfect vacation destination for you... oh yeah, and you should probably be a huge ninja turtle fan to appreciate this as well.

welcome to the Das Park Hotel located in linz, austria:
here your room is a sewer pipe that has been re-imagined as a bedroom and snugly fits a double bed. amenities such as food and bathroom are provided at the nearby hotel complex.

for more unique hotels, take a gander here:
8 of the Weirdest Hotels on Earth

Friday, May 7, 2010

word of the day - may 7 10

1. chemistry. any of certain metallic sulfates of glassy appearance, as copper sulfate or blue vitriol, iron sulfate or green vitriol, zinc sulfate or white vitriol, etc.
2. oil of vitriol; sulfuric acid.
3. something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism.

4. to treat with or as with vitriol, esp. sulfuric acid.

prepare for the end

ok, i know i talk about the apocalypse and the end of the world all the time but this time it might actually be true!!! so take precautions and start laying in supplies for your basement bunker.

Hair flip is key to Justin Bieber bob
Tweens flock to Toronto salons to get singing sensation's shaggy hairdo

i sincerely hope they mean that tween girls are flocking to the hairdresser to ruin their heads with this hair-don't because if boys are hoping to get some attention with his style, they had better only be interested in other boys.

this kid is annoying to the nth degree and deserves the same attention (if not less) than expired beef jerky. like most kid/tween obsessions, i simply do not get it and i sincerely hope that i am able to raise my future children well enough that they do not get brainwashed into liking this type of shiznat.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

like trying to ignore a train wreck

i loathe bringing attention to these people but i couldn't help myself...

why does this useless piece of beef jerky have a corona upended in her margarita???

word of the day - may 6 10

characterized by extensive reading or knowledge; learned.

excuse me wile i go barf fire...

2010 La Constena Jalapenos Eating Championship
Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti takes down reigning champ Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas in double overtime by eating 275 pickled jalapeno peppers in 10 minutes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

a little pick-me-up

in an attempt to make this monday suck a little less, here's an insanely adorable guinea pig to look at:

word of the day - may 3 10

transitive verb
to insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce something foreign or irrelevant into; as, "to interlard a conversation with oaths or allusions."

a severe case of the mondays

yeah, it's one of THOSE days.
i'd just like to find a rock to hide under until this day is over.
5 days of hard time for 2 days of parole seems so unjust about now.