Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"LUV UR PL8? 2BAD4U, cleric told"
Her personalized plate yanked over road racing and religious concerns

what? WHAT?!? (seems i've been starting a lot of posts that way lately... showing just how incredulous that is the world we live in...)

it seems we've gotten a lot more politically correct in the last 20 odd years... this united church minister got her plate that read REV JO as a 50th birthday present 19 years ago and when she went to get her old rusty ones replaced this year, the "Personalized Licence Plate Review Committee" (didn't even know we had that! no wonder there is no money for daycare, education, health, and food banks...) gave her the thumbs down.

their reasons?
a) the plates "could be perceived to denote speeding or racing"
yeah, all us brain-dead motorists out there are going to follow this exact series of thoughts: REV JO -- rev? -- engines rev -- my car has an engine -- i can make my engine rev!! -- that licence plate must want me to go faster -- i better speed! yup, we're just that stupid.
b) the plates might be viewed as promoting one faith over another... what? just because plates are issued saying REV or REVRND doesn't mean plates haven't been issued that said IMAM or RABBI. the only issue would be if REV and REVRND were issued but the others were not permitted; otherwise, this reason has nothing behind it.

but this craft cleric says: "I think I'm going to keep my old battered plates and wear them as a proud symbol of the government's stupidity." good for her!!!

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