Wednesday, February 10, 2010

playing god

here's an A-HA! for evolutionists and creationists alike!

"Professor: We have a 'moral obligation' to seed universe with life"
According to Michael Mautner, Research Professor of Chemistry at Virginia Commonwealth University, seeding the universe with life is not just an option, it’s our moral obligation. As members of this planet’s menagerie, and a consequence of nearly 4 billion years of evolution, humans have a purpose to propagate life. After all, whatever else life is, it necessarily possesses an incessant drive for self-perpetuation. And the idea isn’t just fantasy: Mautner says that “directed panspermia” missions can be accomplished with present technology.

so could our life here on earth be the 'moral obligation' of an ancient deceased planet hundreds or thousands of light-years away? could it be that we're not the warm little center of the universe we pompously thought we were?

personally i think, despite everything humans have accomplished, we (the human race) effed up royally here and if it all ends here then the universe it better for it. propagate the life of animals, plants, bacteria, whatever... just don't send human DNA out there to do damage to countless other planets!

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