Tuesday, December 2, 2008

it's... ALIVE!

we have this little magnet on the fridge that my mom found while out doing what mom's do and it reads:
if it
walks out
of the
let it go.

and that sentiment was so completely apt and at the same time maddeningly unhelpful last night when we cleaned out the WHOLE fridge in a attempt to find that funky smell that was making people vomit from 2 cities yonder.

WARNING: if you've just eaten your lunch or you fancy eating at all today, i suggest you avert your eyes and NOT look into the face of the apocalypse that inhabited our green bin until the unfortunate garbage man took it away this morning. although, it's probably too late for the warning because you've probably already looked at the pictures after completely skipping over those cumbersome words and just looking at the pretty (sometimes) pictures.

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