Friday, August 15, 2008


i'm feeling sleepy just reading this article!

"Why snoozing is good for you"
New research and tired people prove benefits of midday shut-eye
The domain of cats and the idle rich has been breached: Naps have new street cred.
There are indications a midday snooze might solve poor performance caused by long, stressful hours at work and non-stop multi-tasking.

i was just asking the other day, "who the hell came up with this working all day nonsense?!?" it just seems like there should be more to life, right? or that work should be less of our lives... work, work, work! faster, faster, faster! more, more, more! i've found the problem: "... our society is driven by economy and not biology." sheesh... it's just money! cool your jets there, fast eddie!

i'd definitely object less to having to spend the best hours of the day trapped at work if i got to have a nice nap after lunch.

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