Thursday, August 28, 2008


i usually like to try and resist the urge to curse uncontrolably... but here, in this instance, i feel it completely justified. so if you're not into the using of the curse words, you might just want to skip over the next line.

drity, rotten, greedy, mother-fucking, cunt assholes!

"Metropass users will lose free parking"
TTC to charge $3 to $6 a day for commuters to leave cars in 16 lots, starting in early 2009

is it the goal of the city of toronto to make mass transportation completely financially impossible? to put it out of reach of the people who tend to use it most - the middle class and lower?
are they going to lower the price of the metro pass accordingly? yeah freaking right!
i understand the TTC is strapped for cash and that keeping a giant city like toronto mobile is a mammoth task but, but... more riders = more money, more fees = fewer riders. it's a delicate balance but i definitely think we're sliding down the wrong side of that slope.
people living in the surrounding GTA area who are currently using the MP and commuter parking lots are going to say "to hell with it!" at $3 a day for say, 250 working days, that's $750! and at $6/day? $1500! retarded.

it's not like toronto is he only city in the world with transportation issues. other citys are coping, coping in the black. toronto's transit system needs a complete overhaul - i know it's cost a bundle of money right now but it'll save mucho moola in the long run.

blarg... i'm frustrated beyond anymore words.

1 comment:

z said...

Every parking spot has a fair market value. If you want to know what the true market value of a parking space that is near a subway is, I suggest you look at the privately owned lots run by private entities.

Usually it is about $12 per day.

The TTC has no business running parking lots at all. I say they sell the land and let the true price show.

Currently the parking spots are being subsidized by -- guess what? -- 416 Toronto residents property taxes! I can't think of a single reason 416 residents should subsidize your parking spot?