Monday, July 28, 2008

a giant leap for feminism

a giant leap backward...
i'm not usually all about 'girl power' and the like... i don't spew it like an erupting volcano but still...i believe in equal rights and treatment. it's just something about this alanis morissette quote just rubs me the wrong way. i think it's a bad association for the word 'feminine' and a bad stance to take on being a woman.

"I have spent most of the life behaving like a man. I had money, power and I wanted to control everything. I would be the one slamming down my credit card at the end of a meal and opening the door so the man didn't have to. It's just not attractive. It's not how a woman should behave.

I am getting back in touch with my feminine side. I dress to show off my curves rather than hide them with boy clothes, I let men help me down steps and I sit back and wait for the man to pay for dinner. I may have more money, but I don't need to prove it by being in control all the time. It's nice. It makes me feel sexier and more feminine."

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