Wednesday, April 23, 2008

water on the knee... operation!

did you know...?

* if all the world's water were fit into a gallon jug, the avaible fresh water would only be about a tablespoon

* humans are 66% water, elephants are 70% water, and chickens are 75% water

* a small drip from a faucet can waster as much as 75 litres of water a day

* water leaves the stomach 5 monutes after consumption

* brushing your teeth uses 7.5 litres (2 gallons) of water... while brushing your teeth, instead of leaving the tap running, fill up a glass to rinse your mouth instead - seriously, do people do this? leave the water on while brushing their teeth? i've never seen this...

and finally and possibly most importantly...

* it takes 5680 litres (1500 gallons) of water to process one barrel of beer


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see we got started on a fantastically productive day! Woot!! Well I am off to write my last exam, so I too will be expecting more blog posts to keep me entertained from here on out. Lets get crack-a-lackin!!