Friday, April 18, 2008

filling up emptying my pockets...

"Oil prices slip below $115 a barrel"

interesting, interesting...
then why this morning did the gas station have a posted price of $1.20/litre?? that's 3 cents more than yesterday and almost 8 cents more than earlier this week...

usually, a spike in the price of oil per barrel drives up the price of gas but there seems to be a little bit of a reversal this week. does this mean that gas prices will go down when oil goes up? hardly. these money grubbers/gougers certainly know their craft. when oil goes back up again, gas prices are going to skyrocket!

this is all part of the plan to get gas to past the projected mark of $1.50/litre this summer... the gas companies think that if they f*ck (keeping it clean for the kids) with us now, they can go even further when summer rolls around.

but i better stop talking about it... when people raise a fuss or proclaim something crazy like "gas - $2.00/litre this summer!" the gas companies feel obliged to live up to the hype.

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