Tuesday, March 4, 2008

unprotected text

"Brick Land made Britain's first 'Safe Text' street with padded lampposts to prevent mobile phone injuries"
this can't be real... this has to be british humour kicking our gulible north amercian gulibility (is that a word? well, it is now...) straight in the nuts!

can imagine what a complete idiot/loser/hick (i just don't have the vocabulary strong enough to come up with the proper word here...) you'd feel like if you had to admit to people you fractured your skull because you were concentrating SO hard on all-important, life-giving texting??

now the next thing they're going to come up with is a way to keep these idiots from walking out into traffic and (thankfully) eliminating themselves from the gene pool...
[thanks davina]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You KNOW that isn't real..