Monday, September 17, 2007


"Battle against saggy pants"

what? WHAT?!
this is ludicrous!
fines, community service, jail time (!!) for your (lack of) fashion sense??
i mean, i know i've suggested some sort of rehabilitation for "fashion victims" in the past but this is just taking the noon train to crazytown! my beef is with people going out and not knowing how ridiculous they look, maybe even thinking they looks good! these baggy pants people are clearly just uneducated in the matter.
whatever happened to freedom of expression? one's appearance is a way to express one's self - a part of who you are... the way a person dresses shouldn't be criminally dictated in public places. nudity i can understand - most people aren't so comfortable with private bits and believe it lewd even when the person has no such intention.
and "exposing underwear in public" is indecent and warrents a fine but essentially soft core porn in music videos is ok... if people who think this baggy pant nonsense is a bad influence, they should be going after everything that has a similar or worse influence.
gawd, i'm rambling... that means i have too many thoughts, a strong opinion, and it is too early in the morning for me to make sense of it all!

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