Wednesday, August 29, 2007

cold case files

"MD's cure killed Beethoven: Report"

180 years later and people still care...
he was a musician, not the missing link!
who gives these people money to do this shit anyway?!? to what end i ask you! to what end?!
and where are they getting these bodily samples to do research on? who gave them bone fragments to play with 2 years ago?
he was sick, he died... let the rumours fly!
you don't see people doing intense research on bits and pieces of elvis or curt cobain... nobody cares to know the truth, they care about the scandalous (often murderous) theories of conspiracy theorists! much, much more interesting than lead poisoning.

space junk

so did you see the lunar eclipse on monday night? i missed out but i was snuggled in my bed blissfully sleeping away so i'm not too disappointed.

apparently there was this big hoo-haw about mars being the closest to earth in about 6000 years but it was actually back in 2003... mars looking as big as the moon? nahuh... nope. mayhaps a tad brighter than usual but that's all... too bad, that would have been cool.

here's the view from some place down mexico way... pretty spectacular!

the more you know...

listen kids, don't do drugs...

do you want to look 60 and crazy before you're 30? didn't think so...

here's me, cyberslacking...

hmm... how interesting! and ironic...

first, why is this story based out of jerusalem?? the reporter person in jerusalem had nothing else to report on? and an israeli-american poll? australian professors of psychology? i get that this is an "international phenomenon" but really?

second, why are these figures so low? people are much more unproductive than this story makes them out to be... if people actually worked for 8 hours a day five days a week, they'd run through a year's worth of work by the end of the first quarter! if you have more work than you know what to do with and you can't take a little breather for yourself, you're in what we professionals like to call a "widow-maker" profession.

i enjoy that they've also provided you with hints on how to cyberslack... thanks, you've officially runined today's already limited productivity!

inaugural address

hello boys and girls!

since the office "surf control" (boo hiss!) has denied me access to the time-consuming deliciousness of Facebook, i have found something else to keep me occupied whilst i attempt to look like i've got many assorted and very important work-esque things to do.

allow me to present to you my newest blog... rants, pictures, newsworthy stories, not so newsworthy stories, important goings on... all the fun stuff that i personally find amusing or that i feel must be shared with the world.

hopefully i don't get bored with this after a couple of months like i seem to with most things... but i don't anticipate the excuses of "not having time" or "having something better to do" being an issue. work is just that exciting!

cheers for now!