Monday, March 1, 2010

oh, canada...

is anyone else a little mortified to be canadian after last night's olympic closing ceremonies?

it was bad enough that they kicked off the entire show with a clown!
i should have called it quits right then... unfortunately, that would have meant missing delightful appearances by bill shatner and michael j. fox so i'm sort of glad i kept the tv on.

i think we poked a little too much fun at ourselves and we should be ashamed. if a foreign country was asked to produce a musical that reeked of canadiana, this is what would be produced... wait, was this an outsourced production?
a choreographed ballet with giant beavers and mounties?
what? no igloos?!?

and then the much anticipated and speculated over musical extravaganza... who the mother ficus was in charge of that shitstorm???

1) ok, neil young. yes, he's the canadian man in black. everyone was fine with that.

2) i don't think ANY canadian ever in the history of the world wanted us to showcase on an international stage that our country is responsible for nickelback... i think the roar of disapproval when they came on was louder than than cheers when mr. crosby scored that last goal.

3) and if you thought it couldn't get more nationally degrading than nickelback, boy were you ever wrong. the travesty continued as they let the high school dropout from napanee play not one but TWO songs!

5) alright, i'll admit. alanis looked AMAZING!

4) the show organizers get bonus marks for including k-os to bring a little diversity to the party but was he really the right note to end on?

5) apparently not because then they brought out some crazy french band literally playing garbage! i was really hoping they'd knock everyone's socks off and end with the tragically hip or the guess who... that would have been just enough to salvage the entire dreadful evening.

oh well, maybe we'll make a better showing next time we are permitted to hold the world's most prestigious sporting event... if there is a next time.

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