Thursday, March 4, 2010

chicken kills!

ok, so maybe that's not entirely true... i mean, salmonella is a definite concern but that's not where i'm going with this.
what i actually meant is that people so intent on getting their fried chicken could kill you! and it's not even like a stampede where it might be a tragic accident. i'm talking tragic indifference!

"Tulsa Restaurant Patrons Step Over Shooting Victim To Reach Pick-up Window"

when firefighters and ambulance personnel arrived at the chicken hut, the EMTs "has a difficult time getthing trhough the crowd to provide aid to the victim, and no one was trying to help the injured man" AND "customers even shoved past emergency personnel as they went to the take out window." there were over 100 people in the parking lot of the establishment and only ONE person called 911...

chicken was more important to all these people than a dying person?!?
i could at least partially understand if it was an 'out of sight, out of mind' situation but they were STEPPING OVER a mortally wounded human being! FOR FIRED CHICKEN!

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