Tuesday, November 11, 2008

word choice

sneak, sneak, sneak! don't get caught!

"Premiers, PM plot economic rescue"

i don't even really care what this article's about... (read it if you like; i hear it's a bit of a hot topic at the moment...) i just enjoy the title.
i have no love for stephen harper and i think he's a sneaky little democrat-in-sheep's-clothing weasel so this is actually perfect but i DO think the reporter here could have chosen a better word than "plot"... it wounds like they're in a dank back room somewhere in ottawa scheming away at something dastardly! penting their fingers and cackling manically... you know, maybe they're even stroking their long curly moustaches!

some suggestions for next time:
plan, orchestrate, map out, devise, organize, coordinate

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