Tuesday, November 11, 2008

umm... why?

"Dance Dance Revolution Musical Coming Out"

and again... why?

It's set in an Orwellian society where a dance prophet named Moonbeam Funk helps dancing youth gangs rebel against a fascist government. The company working on the show describes it as "like Footloose set in the future -- but kind of scarier, and with 40 really attractive, barely-clothed young actors and buckets of free beer.

err... ok...?
i can't link to any sites to confirm this nonsense at work because work-internet is dumb but this sounds pretty out there, no?

and then of course there's more WHY???

but you know what's awesome? the picture accompanying the story on geekologie.com... and if you were to lazy to click the link, i'm enabling you in your laziness and posting it here:

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