Thursday, November 13, 2008

holy outrageous claim batman!

"Christopher Nolan being sued by Batman"
The mayor of the city of Batman, Turkey, i suing the director and studio

batman? batshit insane? this ties together very nicely!

the asshat mayor of batman in turkey wants to sue director christopher nolan and warner bros. for using the city's name without permission and he wants the cash! $100 million or he blows up the world market! oh wait! maybe he should have wiated until the cheque cleared before flushing that toilet... NO! he wants royalties from the box-office blockbuster.

“There is only one Batman in the world,” Kalkan said. “The American producers used the name of our city without informing us.”

Kalkan claims he has evidence, which will show the city of Batman was founded before the 1939 debut of Bob Kane’s DC Comics superhero by the same name.

this guy's town isn't even really called "batman"!!! it's short form, slang! batman - short for Bati Raman Mountains!! geezes...

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