Monday, September 29, 2008

sure, i'll proof read your thesis!

"Bad 'grammer' left on schools' agenda"
Company puts error in heading of book students use to keep track of schoolwork

so i was staring at this story for a good 15 minutes thinking to myself, "yeah... and? where's the error?" before i actually typed 'grammer' into a spellchecker and then everything became clear!
but still... this is a BIG fuss for something that doesn't even matter that much. it's not like the heading for the page was "penis/punctuation" - now THAT would have been something to get excited about!

actually, my sister's high school agenda one year had a very phallic decoration on the cover... there were these flowy designs in white all over the black cover and BAM! right there on the front - a penis! you could find it without even looking for it! it was designed by one of the school's students too! i wonder how that slipped by???

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