Friday, April 25, 2008

you see?!?

"Food companies warn of rising prices"
Canadians can expect to pay more at grocery stores as higher feed costs advance through the food chain

so to get our worried minds off the price of gas, a new crisis has popped up! global food shortage. it's like a new fad... you just catch wind of it and then BLAM-O! it's everywhere. like POGS! remember POGS? i think i still have mine hanging around somewhere... but i digress...

yesterday it was just the U.S. who were beginning to limit purchases of things like rice and canadian consumer expert people were saying things about how they hadn't witnessed any stockpiling behaviour and that they weren't going to start limiting purchases. so it looks like they're just going to make the price of food prohibitively high instead... that'll curb buying all by itself. it's like, "you can have as much as you want... just see if you can afford it! HA!"

of course by writing about this, i'm only adding to the growing furor... that little seed of worry we planted yesterday? yeah, it just germinated.

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