Thursday, April 24, 2008

ration-al thinking

"Sam's Club rationing rice"
Many stores in the U.S. are limiting bulk sales of some kinds of the grain as supply fears leap

so now, instead of being able to buy as many as you can lay your hands on, you can only get 4 bags of jasmine, basmati and other white long-grain rices... oh yeah and only one pallet of flour at a time.

all this on fears that worried consumers were stocking up on rice & flour amidst global food shortages... wait... there are global food shortages?? why wasn't i told?? i would have panicked and gone berserk on food hoarding long ago if i knew there was a global food shortage!!!

guaranteed, reporting on a global food shortage is no way to stem the panic! it'll just make it worse. do you think tomorrow all the major grocery stores and bulk food places will show increased sales... everyone who reads this article or a similar one will have a seed of worry planted in the backs of their minds. even if you don't believe the hype, you don't want to be out in the cold just in case they were right...

no worries over at my house though. we have a stockpile of sidekicks creamy bacon carbonara that could feed the world for at least 5 years. and i hear that shit can survive a nuclear blast!

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