Tuesday, April 1, 2008

what will they think of next???

"Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact - and it's the plague of our 24/7 age"

that's a rather foreboding headline isn't it? it's like cheeseburgers - they'll be the death of us all!!!

it's nomophobia or "no mobile phobia" and apparently it could affect as much as 53% of cell phone users! people who suffer from this *cough* affliction freak out if their phones are out of service or low on battery and let's not even talk about what happens when they ~gasp!~ LOSE their phones!

ah the british... not only are they crazy, they use the most delightful language. it was hard for me to get the gist of this article at first because i was all distracted by phrases like "moving house" and "switched off"... and you can just imagine some man with this elegant accent delivering this in a newscast...

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