Tuesday, April 1, 2008

letter writing - apr. 1 2008

dear new new guy,

do you have any idea how hard it is to unproductive when someone is just sitting over there being all eager beaver? do you? any idea?
it's hard like freaking diamonds!

first you and other new guy come in here because apparently my department needs more help and you take all the work so that each of us has oh say about an hour's worth of work each day and now when i'm finished my work and have nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs you're over there all perky and "yessir, i can help you with that!"

and it's not like you're down the way where i can ignore you and go about my business in peace... you're RIGHT behind me. even if i have my back to you, i can see every move you make out of the corner of my eye and damn if that's not annoying and distracting!

here's hoping your piddly month-long co-op goes fast.

firecrackers & fiddlesticks,

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