Monday, January 21, 2008

momma's boy

"Why men hate to buy underwear"
Most guys wear their shorts until they're full of holes. Now, a revolution of cheeky prints aims to separate men from their decrepit drawers

would you really wear a pair of underwear until they literally disintegrated off your body unless someone bought new ones for you??? that's icky... i care not for the "comfort factor" or "if they ain't broke..." - they're gross, they've got holes, they most assuredly are broke.

i love me a brand new pair of underwear... the elastic is all nice, the bum (thongs not included) is all non-saggy... i understand that women's underwear is much more exciting than men's but that's no reason to let things get that bad. and just white? what's with that? *yawn*

long story short: please, please, PLEASE don't let your underwear get into a state of, shall we say, disreapir. hole? toss 'em. saggy? toss 'em. (ugh) stains? toss 'em. older than 2 years? toss 'em.

come on now... it's not like it's a HUGE investment. it's just a couple of pairs of underwear. god forbid you have to buy anything as tricky as socks... (just in case you're wondering, the "toss 'em" underwear rules can also be applied to socks!)

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