Monday, November 12, 2007

when your cousin's also your mom

idiots... all of them! these "team britnay" people look like they are the poster children for inbreeding!
as much as it skeeves me out, i'm on team federline for this hillbilly debate! he's a douche but he's a douche who's cleaned up his act, sheltered himself from the public eye, and who seems (no confirmation on this... could just be a douche-esque publicity stunt) to care about the well-being of his children!
britney just seems to be getting crazier by the day... biotch purportedly failed one of those court-imposed, random drug tests the other day... somebody slap her! she's got to worry about keeping custody of her own brain before she can even think about custody of her kids.
her having kids must have been one cruel joke... in a perfect world, she'd be sterile.

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