Wednesday, October 17, 2007

here's something new for TLC

"Father of 67 wants to marry for the 9th time"

geezes... what in the world do you do with 67 kids? besides, having your own baseball, football, soccer, rugby, AND cricket teams...
the best TLC has is "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins"... that's only eight kids! that's like nothing at all!
mind you, this guy has 8 wives already so that's a average of 8.4 kids each... and all his wives could be pregnant at the same time. so really, the sextuplets & twins lady is much more impressive. a guy and go around spreading his genetic junk and having kids all willy-nilly because it doesn't have to affect him. if a woman had 67 (biological) kids - now, that would just be totally amazing! i bet you could fit a freight train through her uterus!

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