Friday, July 22, 2011

have you accepted jesus christ fettuccine as your personal saviour?

Austrian driver allowed 'pastafarian' headgear in photo
An Austrian atheist has won the right to be shown on his driving-licence photo wearing a pasta strainer as "religious headgear"

right off the bat, i am unsure how one can be an atheist AND a pastafarian... atheism is the rejection of belief in higher beings and pastafarians "believe in" the flying spaghetti monster. so which is it, mr. alm???

the part that tickles my fancy the most is where the authorities required him to get an official not from a doctor to say he was "psychologically fit" to drive. isn't that religious discrimination or something?

how is believing in a flying spaghetti monster any different from believing in virgin births, ghosts, or elephant-headed deities. i'm pretty sure no one wearing a yarmulke, hijab, or a nun's habit was ever required to take a mental fitness test in order to get their licence.

if a pastafarian is required to be deemed "psychologically fit" to drive then i think there should be a standardized mental test for all religious believers.

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