Tuesday, June 21, 2011

personally, i'm going with the abraham lincoln

Remember Movember? Well, here comes Julyna

it's exactly what it sounds like.

what exactly does it sound like, you ask?

instead of men sporting ridiculous moustaches in support of cancer research, a group of more-clever-than-thou women have decided to create their own event with beards... clam beards.

"It's unique, it's different, it's cutting edge..." it's not appropriate for a public or professional environment?

while i DO support the cause (getting people talking about cervical cancer and human papillomavirus) and i DO agree with their sentiment that an event needs to be attention-grabbing to successful these days, i don't know if this is the right way to go about it...?

it may seem hypocritical that i am a regualr participant in the Underwear Affair, where people run through the streets in their unmentionables in support of down there cancers, but at least all the naughty bits are covered. i'm no prude and yet the discussion of lady bits and how they are being groomed still makes me uncomfortable.

all that being said, i'm probably silumtaneously proud of and jealous of any woman brave enough to announce her intentions and go ahead with this fundraising campaign. men should be encouraged to participate as well because we all know that a little good grooming would make the world a much, much better place.

good for me for ending on a high note! let's try for higher.

"Stencils for suggested hair designs [...] include the arrow, the Charlie Chaplin, the Barbara Bush, the Movember, the rising sun, the side part and the David Suzuki."

what? no abe?

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