Thursday, March 4, 2010

just in time for the afternoon - zzzz...

instead of reprimanding you for catching a couple of Zs at your desk after lunch, you employers should be praising you dedication to productivity.

how can naps possibly be productive you ask?
well, the more hours you spend awake, the more sluggish your mind becomes. after a refreshing afternoon nap, your mind is more alert and better able to accept information. instead of slogging along with a tired brain for 4 hours, why not catch an hour long nap and be twice as productive for 3 hours?!? sounds good for the bottom line to me.

"Naps Clear the Mind, Help You Learn"

and then i was reading a related article where they're telling you to ask your HR person about setting up a nap room... yeah, because that will go over fabulously! just like my suggestion about the walkstation... i'm pretty sure it's all just going in a little file that they'll use as evidence one day when they go to lock me away in a room with rubber walls.

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