Tuesday, February 2, 2010

world's worst weather predictor predicts more winter

shubenacadie sam, punxsutawney phil, and ontario's own wiarton willie are all predicting 6 more weeks of winter.

in the ceremony where the chubby critters unceremoniously (HA! see what i did there? unceremoniously in a ceremony! oh come on... work with me here!) dragged from their burrows, all 3 of the famous groundhogs saw their shadows indicating that was should hunker down and prepare for another 6 weeks of winter.

but if you preemptively got out your shorts and tank tops hoping for an early spring, don't be too hasty in putting them away... a study by the US national climatic data center says that between 1988 and 2002 punxsutawney phil saw his shadow ten times... but seven of those years featured above average temperatures for february and march.

thinking things through logically, it IS only the second day of february... groundhog prediction aside, we are already guaranteed AT LEAST 4 more weeks of winter. that extra two weeks isn't that unbearable considering that we've had major snowfalls into april in the past. besides, who in canada is fool enough to be thinking spring is just around the corner in february?

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