Wednesday, January 13, 2010

on the road again...

so i was merrily navigating traffic this morning and i look over to see my purse sitting in a puddle of chocolate millk... the majority of my tasty drink had spilled in the passenger seat! i easily plucked my purse out of the mire but then i really get to see just how much liquid was there.

there i am rolling along the busiest highway in ontario and there is NO WAY i'm getting off to try and find paper towels or napkins or something. so i just keep moving along, watching the huge puddle diminish as it soaked into the seat... milk. soaking into the seat. malk that will eventually go bad and absolutely reek. but like, what am i going to do? remove the seat and run it through the washing machine?? instead i sacrificed my gloves to try and soak up at least a little bit of the milk - they CAN go in the washing machine!

when i finally got to the office, i got a huge wad of paper towels that will hopefully mitigate the disaster. it's a good thing that the heater doesn't exactly work in my car because that way i'm not going to have to worry about the smell until the weather warms up. that gives me a solid 4 months of stink-free travel.


Arran said...

You can always steam clean the seat!! That'll
get the nasty out! Or set the little
green machine on it and let it work it's magic.

jenn said...

luckily, the seat cover took ALL of the damage. when we pulled it off, the seat underneath was completely dry! not the seat cover is all washed and ready to go back on.