Wednesday, January 20, 2010

mmm... excrement-y

let's just start out by saying that chocolate is tops in my books. however, there are more aesthetically pleasing ways to use it on things that are purportedly edible. i mean, look at that thing! if it were ice cream and baskin & robbins was adding a 32nd flavour it would be called tightly coiled. that's the most appetizing sentence i've written all day!

ok, so now that my disgust with the poo cupcake is out of the way, we can get on to the real reason i made this post - a mini cupcake machine!

it's like a waffle iron only it makes cupcakes (arguably, you could probably pour cupcake batter into your waffle iron and it would produce similar results) and a scant few of them at that. sure, it may only take five minutes to cook but whoever you're serving them to will be done with that batch of 7 before you've even had a chance to refill the pan to make the next batch. and let's, for a second, be unrealistic and say that you only wanted 7... what do you do with the rest of the batter?

this little mircale won't cost you $100, or even $75... it won't even cost you $40! can you believe it folks, they are practically giving it away for the ridonkulously low price of $32.95!

or, i have a better idea, you could trot yourself over to walmart and buy the pan that makes 24 mini cupcakes at a time for like $15 and turn on your oven for once in your life... (it's that thing with the twirly patterns on the top between the sink and the fridge.) i've had phenomenal success with it and i think you can too!

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