Friday, November 27, 2009

hulk smash!

so i was fishing around for something in my purse this morning and got super frustrated that i couldn't find it... to the point that i just up ended my purse onto the floor, where it will likely remain until it has learned its lesson or the end of the day, whichever comes first.

in the interest of making the most out of every situation, we'll make a game out of it! how many items can you identify???

1 comment:

Arran said...

WeLl I can see that fancy pants wallet I bought you for Christmas last year, and there's a little turtle purse there that I'm willing to bet is full of tampons or make up (I can't decipher the shapes inside) and there's a Halloween beenie baby Teddy, what looks like origami paper, Teddy bear kleenex, your reuseable shopping bag and various other loose pieces of paper.

How'd I do??