Thursday, November 19, 2009

gentle phrasing

this morning i heard on the radio that the power was out along dundas street in missisauga from winston churchill boulavard to some other street due to an accident and that traffic was slow though the area. at the time it didn't really concern me because it wasn't on my route. but at lunch today, i drove by the accident cleanup site and I WISH i had been able to take a picture...

the radio described the problem something like this: the power is out and traffic is backed up along dundas because of a vehicle into a hydro pole...

now this is how they should have described it: the power is out and traffic is backed up along dundas because a hydro pole DEMOLISHED a pickup truck! Watch it! Watch it, folks! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get this, Charlie! Get this, Charlie! It's fire — and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh, the humanity...

i don't know how it happened but the ENTIRE back end of the truck was wrapped around the pole right up to the cab! and the front of the truck was partially mangled as well! there are no news stories up on the interwebs that i can find right now but if i come across one with pictures i will totally post it because the destruction is epic!

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