Wednesday, November 4, 2009

down with the sickness

ok, so even though i literally fell out of bed this morning because i was feeling woozy and drove to work with the frost-covered window down because i was burning up, i STILL made it to the office today because i KNEW i had deadlines pending... and so just now i sent some completed work to one of my bosses only to find out that he wasn't feeling well and stayed home. perfect. eye-twitchingly perfect.

this ALWAYS happens to me... invariably, when i am legitimately sick, i have stuff that NEEDS to be done at work. so i come in feeling like crap and get it done. but then when all the rush-rush is said and done, i'm not sick anymore. i'm not begrudging my good health or taking my immune system for granted but it would be nice to be able to take a day off when i actually need it.

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