Tuesday, August 25, 2009

now THIS is news

now normally, i would just assume that it was the credibility manager's day off or something but this is coming from FOX news and they have no credibility to begin with... but it's still hard to imagine them plummeting to these depths.

here's my personalized recap of the news segment...

"[...] this is what the bear probably looked like... only real.""This recreation identifies how witnesses say the bear escaped into the woods."
"Black bears can be on the ground or can climb trees."
"So we know a bear scats in the woods but should we be concerned?"
(PS - "Scat is the good nature word for poop.")
apparently, according to a local wildlife authority who has "come close" to seeing a bear, we are not bear food. and neither our our pets... says this ridiculous rabbit: "I'm good. I'm uhh... faster than a bear."
in the end, the pictures do not do justice to just how ludicrous the segment is as a whole so i highly suggest you go watch the whole thing HERE.

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