Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i'm not sure i could like this guy less

as i have previously stated, and probably will again in the future, i do not understand the hype over this guy...

well fine, if you like (and i hate to use the term) gayface and dumbo ears, this guys might be right up your alley. otherwise... i think you might need your head examined.

and in case you're sitting there wondering who the eff i'm talking about, it's channing tatum, star of such oscar worthy productions as she's the man and step up. and oh gawd, he's making a parkour movie?!?

so as a channing tatum detractor, i find it within my duty to dredge up his possibly mortifying past and make sure as many people as possible know about it.

it seems the internet has some secret pro channing tatum agenda and i can't embed the video i want but i can not, will not let that stop me! now i'm pretty sure this video after the like plays automatically so if you're at work you might want to keep an eye over your shoulder... you were fairly warned!

presenting... channing tatum strip dancing!

go ahead, click the link, watch the video. i'll wait...




done yet?



alright, now can we talk about it? good.

OMG! can you believe he now actually wants to be taken seriously as an actor? can you believe the ridiculously LARGE clothing he's wearing?? you could fit AT LEAST 2 of him into that shirt! and the socks & thong attire just makes me cringe; more for the socks than the thong.

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