Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ugh... why?

"Bud Light Lime demand outpacing supply"
Fan says finding the beer is like a rare superhero sighting

so here's an imagined conversation that must have gone down at THAT brainstorming meeting:

executive 1: what's a beer that no one is overly fond of?
executive 2: well that's easy - bud light!
E1: great, now how can we make that awful beer more broadly appealing?
E2: umm, well, lots of people, girl people, like those citrus-y cocktail drinks... maybe we could cash in on that?
E1: yeah, good idea... but which citrus should we use?
E2: well, if we add lemon it'll just taste like lemonade you left out in the sun in a plastic drum for a month or tow so we really shouldn't do that. how about lime?
E1: lime you say? bud light... lime... bud light lime... yeah, i like how that rolls off your tongue.
E2: bud light lime... BLL! kind of like BFF! BLL, your summer BFF! how's that for a marketing campaign?
E1: hmm... maybe that's taking it a little too far.

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