Monday, July 6, 2009

monday? again?

haven't we done monday to death yet? can't we try something new?
stupid cyclic calendar...


last week was a little effed up what with the stupid useless holiday smack in the middle of the week... it messed up my whole schedule! can you believe the nerve of canada day? falling on a wednesday... doesn't even have the decency to give us a well-deserved long weekend! so yeah, instead of attempting to work vigilantly and without distraction for 4 days in a row, i didn't even feign working for those two 2-day work packets. and i think that's pretty much what everyone else did too so i don't feel too bad.

so maybe this week i'll be better with my procrastination efforts than in previous week. i know i've been slacking. but i reiterate - all this not being able to see my blog is putting a serious downer on things. and the not being able to put up pictures? slowing killing me inside.

le sigh...

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