Wednesday, July 15, 2009

happy morning!

to start things off, i got jolted from sleep rather effectively by my phone vibrating itself off the nightstand because i forgot to turn the ringer on last night when i set the alarm. who know that would be a better waker-upper than the musical beeps that i am so used to...

then on the drive to work, it felt like everyone was playing my favourite road-rage-inducing game: trap the idiot... where you attempt to box in people who are obviously in a hurry and feel that their priorities outweigh those of everyone else. except this morning i was the idiot! and i wasn't even driving like i was in a hurry!

the weather here is still being weird... it's effing JULY and the overnight low is something like 7 degrees. so this morning it feels awfully frigid. and then the western sky which i'm headed towards is all cloudy, grey, and threatening rain while to the east it's all blue sky, wispy clouds, and sunshine. i swear, it's like driving into mordor. (please excuse the reference.)

bright spot in the day: the frustrating drivers on the road didn't hold me up so much that i still had time to run to mcdonalds before work. i FINALLY got that sausage mcmuffin i was craving the other day. compensating with that god-awful tim horton's breakfast sandwich only made me want the real thing even more! and congrats mcds, your non-stop morning radio commercials really do work. but when i got into work, i downed the entire breakfast (mcmuffin, hash brown, & oj) in 8 minutes flat. that was like an hour and a half ago and i'm still feeling a little nauseous, but in a good way.

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