Tuesday, June 2, 2009

talk about leading questions...

this morning, i was doing this 'learning & development' survey for work and not only does whoever made up the survey have a fondness for the phrase 'to what extent' but they also know how to skew survey results... but i guess that's their job right? then you get headlines like, "surveys show that 90% of people would rather drive our cars than get gored by a bull!"

so here's the question i came to that gave me the most WTF response:
if you can't read that it says: I can clearly see that if I work hard and perform well I will be rewarded with increased responsibility.

so if i work hard, my reward is more work so i'll have to work even harder...
if you excel at your 8-hour a day job, you will be promoted and given three time the work to do and now you'll be working 12-hour days! just what every employee aspires to.

pretentious rant ahead...

i hate how society is SO work-oriented... it's always like work, work, WORK! go, go, GO! faster, harder, longer! work is more of your life than your actual life. it is impossible to imagine that tings need to be done THIS SECOND, 24-hours a day... stress and working ourselves overtime is what's killing us... working like a maniac give you cancer. there, i said it. just like rainbows and babies, your job is going to give you cancer too.

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