the state of being too much; excess.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
hard hitting journalism
"6 public makeout spots in the city"
1. Family washrooms at Pearson Airport
Be it a long kiss goodbye or a welcome-back embrace, these private, yet spacious restrooms are a popular spot for travellers in the mood for romance, airport security guards say.
2. The Rogers Centre Renaissance Hotel
The best of both worlds for the uncompromising sports fan: Watch players strike out as you don’t, an activity first noticed through the windows overlooking the field within a year of the dome opening in 1989.
3. The CN Tower
The half-a-kilometre-high club. A call to the CN Tower about the frequency of unusually amorous behaviour was not returned, leading us to conclude it’s less rare than one might assume.
4. Ashbridge’s Bay
Lifeguard stands along the boardwalk provide a good view of the lake - and cover for late-night rompers, who avoid getting sand in their shorts but who have been spotted by early risers.
5. GO train
Eagle-eye commuters report that the top floor two-seater tucked in the corner is a popular spot for lovers because it is the only pair of seats that do not directly face another pair. GO train, indeed.
6. The ROM’s “Bat Cave”
Bruce Wayne, eat your heart out. The creatures in this cave have seen more action than Batman, museum officials report. “The bat cave definitely has a reputation as a hot spot - no pun intended,” said museum spokeswoman Anne Marie Todaro.
i WAS going to expand further on the 'hard hitting journalism' title but one of the commenters on this story beat me to it... much more eloquently than i would ever be able to do on a tuesday!
submitted by myownperson:
Perhaps its my age, but here goes.... "I feel like this article has changed my life. I'm a better man for having read it. It was rich, deep and meaningful. It has tugged at my aging heart strings and snapped off three, like someone playing the violin with a crowbar. This is the first article this year to actually bring tears to my eyes. Thank you, thank you... Thank you."
1. Family washrooms at Pearson Airport
Be it a long kiss goodbye or a welcome-back embrace, these private, yet spacious restrooms are a popular spot for travellers in the mood for romance, airport security guards say.
2. The Rogers Centre Renaissance Hotel
The best of both worlds for the uncompromising sports fan: Watch players strike out as you don’t, an activity first noticed through the windows overlooking the field within a year of the dome opening in 1989.
3. The CN Tower
The half-a-kilometre-high club. A call to the CN Tower about the frequency of unusually amorous behaviour was not returned, leading us to conclude it’s less rare than one might assume.
4. Ashbridge’s Bay
Lifeguard stands along the boardwalk provide a good view of the lake - and cover for late-night rompers, who avoid getting sand in their shorts but who have been spotted by early risers.
5. GO train
Eagle-eye commuters report that the top floor two-seater tucked in the corner is a popular spot for lovers because it is the only pair of seats that do not directly face another pair. GO train, indeed.
6. The ROM’s “Bat Cave”
Bruce Wayne, eat your heart out. The creatures in this cave have seen more action than Batman, museum officials report. “The bat cave definitely has a reputation as a hot spot - no pun intended,” said museum spokeswoman Anne Marie Todaro.
i WAS going to expand further on the 'hard hitting journalism' title but one of the commenters on this story beat me to it... much more eloquently than i would ever be able to do on a tuesday!
submitted by myownperson:
Perhaps its my age, but here goes.... "I feel like this article has changed my life. I'm a better man for having read it. It was rich, deep and meaningful. It has tugged at my aging heart strings and snapped off three, like someone playing the violin with a crowbar. This is the first article this year to actually bring tears to my eyes. Thank you, thank you... Thank you."
important life lessons from 3OH!3
T-t-tongues always pressed to your cheeks
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth
You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef
That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him
She wants to touch me, woo ooh
She wants to love me, woo ooh
She'll never leave me woo ooh, woo ooh, ooh ooh
Don't trust a ho, never trust a ho
Won't trust a ho 'cause the ho won't trust me
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth
You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef
That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him
She wants to touch me, woo ooh
She wants to love me, woo ooh
She'll never leave me woo ooh, woo ooh, ooh ooh
Don't trust a ho, never trust a ho
Won't trust a ho 'cause the ho won't trust me
Monday, June 29, 2009
learning on a saturday night
"important: do women have prostates?"
"i don't think so..."
"can you find out? it's a matter of great importance."
"we NEED to know."
"seriously?! like a matter of life and death NEED to know?!"
and apparently women sort of do have prostates... called the skene's gland, it is very similar to the male version and has a role in female ejaculation.
"i don't think so..."
"can you find out? it's a matter of great importance."
"we NEED to know."
"seriously?! like a matter of life and death NEED to know?!"
and apparently women sort of do have prostates... called the skene's gland, it is very similar to the male version and has a role in female ejaculation.
another one bites the dust...
why am i more shocked/upset that infomercial host extraordinaire billy mays is dead than about michael jackson? probably because billy was more relatable and tried to get me to buy awesome merchandise.
(972): they say celebs die in threes. leave it to billy mays to throw in one extra COMPLETELY FREE!
ed mcmahon
farrah fawcett
michael jackson
billy mays
(972): they say celebs die in threes. leave it to billy mays to throw in one extra COMPLETELY FREE!
ed mcmahon
farrah fawcett
michael jackson
billy mays
word of the day - jun 29 09
one who is curious to know everything that passes; one who knows or pretends to know all that is going on; a gossip; a busybody.
one who is curious to know everything that passes; one who knows or pretends to know all that is going on; a gossip; a busybody.
Friday, June 26, 2009
word of the day - jun 26 09
transitive verb
to attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.
transitive verb
to attack by words or arguments; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to oppose or challenge as false; to gainsay.
choose your own adventure!
if you want to have a nice day full of sunshine and happy thoughts, youtube 'mr. chatterbox'
if you want to be freaked out all day long and screaming aloud everytime something brushes your leg, youtube 'bolivia bug'
if you want to be freaked out all day long and screaming aloud everytime something brushes your leg, youtube 'bolivia bug'
Thursday, June 25, 2009
a spoonful of sugar
another random e-mail snippet:
"so someone in the office found out today and came to congratulate me and when she was going in for a hug, i clumsily went to reciprocate and accidentally punched her in the boob. embarrassment - tastes so sweet in my mouth!"
"so someone in the office found out today and came to congratulate me and when she was going in for a hug, i clumsily went to reciprocate and accidentally punched her in the boob. embarrassment - tastes so sweet in my mouth!"
random 4:20-ness
"piranhas aer the sharks of the river."
"like tiny sharks that hunt in packs..."
"dolphins are the humans of the ocean."
"the only other animals who have sex for pleasure?"
"like tiny sharks that hunt in packs..."
"dolphins are the humans of the ocean."
"the only other animals who have sex for pleasure?"
weather report
in a randon e-mail:
"dude, it went from sunny to orange, to midnight hurricane outside all in the span of about 20 minutes!"
"dude, it went from sunny to orange, to midnight hurricane outside all in the span of about 20 minutes!"
belated word of the day - jun 24 09
1. complex or ingenious in form or function; intricate.
2. skillful; artistic; ingenious.
3. rich; adorned with many things.
1. complex or ingenious in form or function; intricate.
2. skillful; artistic; ingenious.
3. rich; adorned with many things.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
i just checked and like 9 of my last 20 posts have been 'word of the day' posts... how lame is that? boo on me.
but this whole being able to write my blog but not being able to see it is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! seriously! it's one of the most annoying things to me right now. and the not being able to properly put up pictures? also adding to my agitation. i like pictures! sifting through mound upon mounds of works is boring... and also, when i put up pictures, i don't have to write so much and that is good news for my brain.
so yeah... maybe one of these days i'll force myself to go on the computer after work and clean some of this shit up.
but this whole being able to write my blog but not being able to see it is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! seriously! it's one of the most annoying things to me right now. and the not being able to properly put up pictures? also adding to my agitation. i like pictures! sifting through mound upon mounds of works is boring... and also, when i put up pictures, i don't have to write so much and that is good news for my brain.
so yeah... maybe one of these days i'll force myself to go on the computer after work and clean some of this shit up.
word of the day - jun 23 09
mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner.
mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner.
me and staying awake are drifting apart... we're not going to be friends much longer i don't think. can i go home yet?
Monday, June 22, 2009
word of the day - jun 22 09
1. overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. boiling up or over.
as in, i am NOT ebullient about blogging today...
1. overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. boiling up or over.
as in, i am NOT ebullient about blogging today...
Friday, June 19, 2009
word of the day - jun 20 09
the state of being too much; excess.
a nimiety of work i tell you! a nimiety!
the state of being too much; excess.
a nimiety of work i tell you! a nimiety!
straining towards the finish line
why won't this day just effing die!
i feel like i've been at work for like 20 straigh hours!
AND there are still a healthy 3 hours left in the day!
please, send someone to stop me before i put a pencil in my eye...
i feel like i've been at work for like 20 straigh hours!
AND there are still a healthy 3 hours left in the day!
please, send someone to stop me before i put a pencil in my eye...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
belated word of the day - jun 17 09
living again; brought back to life; revived; restored.
after taking a mental health day yeasterday, my body doesn't quite feel as redivivus as it should... still tired, still unfocused. meh... tomorrow's friday!
living again; brought back to life; revived; restored.
after taking a mental health day yeasterday, my body doesn't quite feel as redivivus as it should... still tired, still unfocused. meh... tomorrow's friday!
fraud 101
"Fraud doubles with $10M parking upgrade"
A $10 million upgrade of credit card readers in the Toronto Parking Authority's pay-and-display parking meters that was supposed to make them fraud resistant has actually resulted in a doubling of fraudulent use, a city audit has found.
Auditor-general Jeff Griffiths' report amounts to a scathing indictment of the card reader purchase, first revealed last year in Fixer articles that questioned why the TPA paid about $3,840 per reader for its 2,600 street meters. A search of the Internet found similar technology selling for less than half the price.
The new card readers do not connect in real time to the card issuers, to confirm the validity of the card. The "batch technology" used uploads accumulated charges only once a day, and dispenses a parking slip on faith that the card is good.
Anyone with a cancelled credit card with a valid date can use it to obtain free parking.
excellent job reporter jake lakey... you've likely just re-doubled the parking fraud committed. applause.
A $10 million upgrade of credit card readers in the Toronto Parking Authority's pay-and-display parking meters that was supposed to make them fraud resistant has actually resulted in a doubling of fraudulent use, a city audit has found.
Auditor-general Jeff Griffiths' report amounts to a scathing indictment of the card reader purchase, first revealed last year in Fixer articles that questioned why the TPA paid about $3,840 per reader for its 2,600 street meters. A search of the Internet found similar technology selling for less than half the price.
The new card readers do not connect in real time to the card issuers, to confirm the validity of the card. The "batch technology" used uploads accumulated charges only once a day, and dispenses a parking slip on faith that the card is good.
Anyone with a cancelled credit card with a valid date can use it to obtain free parking.
excellent job reporter jake lakey... you've likely just re-doubled the parking fraud committed. applause.
posting is getting increasingly more tedious as the days go on... damn you fun police! why won't you let me see my blog! if you think it's more unproductive to me to read my blog rather than write it, well, i'll show you!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
word of the day - jun 16 09
intransitive verb
1. to amuse oneself in light orlively manner; to frolic.
2. to divert or amuse.
3. to display.
intransitive verb
1. to amuse oneself in light orlively manner; to frolic.
2. to divert or amuse.
3. to display.
nominated for a darwin award
i just sliced my finger with an exacto knife opening the package for a new exacto knife...
bravo me!
bravo me!
Monday, June 15, 2009
NEVER going in the basement again
someone out there has gone and given you a new reason to re-fear all those irrational fears you gave up from your childhood...
Friday, June 12, 2009
word of the day - jun 12 09
1. merely imaginary; produced by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; fantastic; improbably or unrealistic.
2. given to or indulging in unrealistic fantasies or fantastic schemes.
1. merely imaginary; produced by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; fantastic; improbably or unrealistic.
2. given to or indulging in unrealistic fantasies or fantastic schemes.
OLG: still effing up people's dreams
"OLG glitch turns $1M win into $5,000"
Video poker machines shut down while agency investigates
ok so in this case, and quite a few others, the machine had a win limit... $40,000 in the case of these particular machines.
but if your equipment is effed up, you should have to pay! it's your own fault!
on a serious note, you really shouldn't be counting on lotteries/gambling as a life/retirement plan in the first place... so don't get your hopes up. just struggle along like EVERYONE ELSE!
Video poker machines shut down while agency investigates
ok so in this case, and quite a few others, the machine had a win limit... $40,000 in the case of these particular machines.
but if your equipment is effed up, you should have to pay! it's your own fault!
on a serious note, you really shouldn't be counting on lotteries/gambling as a life/retirement plan in the first place... so don't get your hopes up. just struggle along like EVERYONE ELSE!
a driving lesson
dear buddy in the taupe camry,
when EVERYONE on the highway is going a good 20 km/h faster than you and they still haven't reached the limit, you might want to reevaluate your speed choice.
i'm just sayin'...
biscuits & bunnies,
when EVERYONE on the highway is going a good 20 km/h faster than you and they still haven't reached the limit, you might want to reevaluate your speed choice.
i'm just sayin'...
biscuits & bunnies,
so i can make new posts but i can't view my actual blog... wtf, man?
looks like the internet no-fun fairies have been up to their old tricks again.
looks like the internet no-fun fairies have been up to their old tricks again.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
word of the day - jun 11 09
highly injurious; deadly; destructive; exceedingly harmful.
highly injurious; deadly; destructive; exceedingly harmful.
technology: more trouble than its worth
"i vote for the company abandoning autocad and giving everyone a package of crayons."
"i am so f*cking close to snapping, you have no idea."
"good thing tomorrow's friday."
"tell me about it. [...] i'm seriously considering the region dude... or expensing a punching bag to hang here."
"i am so f*cking close to snapping, you have no idea."
"good thing tomorrow's friday."
"tell me about it. [...] i'm seriously considering the region dude... or expensing a punching bag to hang here."
i have high hopes for my new cheese and cookie diet...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
word of the day - jun 10 09
1. a commotion; a disturbance.
2. a state of nervous activity; a fuss.
3. a cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers.
4. to make confused; trouble; worry.
5. to be overly concerned with trifles; fuss.
1. a commotion; a disturbance.
2. a state of nervous activity; a fuss.
3. a cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers.
4. to make confused; trouble; worry.
5. to be overly concerned with trifles; fuss.
sneeze guards at half mast

yeah... there's not much more to the story than that but it seemed obscure and interesting enough to share.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
word of the day - jun 9 09
1. the state of being married; marriage.
2. the rite, ceremony, or sacrament of marriage.
1. the state of being married; marriage.
2. the rite, ceremony, or sacrament of marriage.
Monday, June 8, 2009
hottest accessories of 2009?
crows feet - check!
smile lines - check!
row upon rows of teeth just like sharks - check!
who would you rather?
crepe paper face up there or zombie swinsuit model?
smile lines - check!
row upon rows of teeth just like sharks - check!

crepe paper face up there or zombie swinsuit model?
national you-are-what-you-eat day!
dang! we missed it!
apparently friday was national doughnut day and we missed it!
i have no idea what a 'doughnut' is but if it's anything like a 'donut' then we missed probably the most delicious day of the year!
actually, upon further reflection, i'm glad we missed national doughnut day... we'll wait for the proper canadian version national tim horton's day. suck it other coffee & baked goods chains!
apparently friday was national doughnut day and we missed it!

actually, upon further reflection, i'm glad we missed national doughnut day... we'll wait for the proper canadian version national tim horton's day. suck it other coffee & baked goods chains!
post title of the week
here's a supreme edition post from one of my favourite sites
hit this LINK to see the whole post!

word of the day - jun 8 09
1. the act of practicing evasion or being deliberately ambiguous.
2. the act of abandoning a party or cause.
1. the act of practicing evasion or being deliberately ambiguous.
2. the act of abandoning a party or cause.
Friday, June 5, 2009
word of the day - jun 5 09
1. adoption or advocacy, as of a cause or principle.
2. sometimes, espousals.
a. a marriage ceremony
b. an engagement or betrothal celebration.
1. adoption or advocacy, as of a cause or principle.
2. sometimes, espousals.
a. a marriage ceremony
b. an engagement or betrothal celebration.
let's get hungover!
i want, i want, i want to see this movie!!!
i've wanted to see a lot of movies in the last little while but i never seem to get aronud to it. like the motto of my life is, 'i don't watch movies'
i always say i can rent/download them when they come out but by then i'll probably have forgotten...
so please, let's go see this movie in theaters???
you'll never guess what today is!
that's right...
what do you mean you knew that already?
what do you mean you knew that already?
an important part of the team...
i open my work inbox this morning and i only have 2 e-mails...
1 from a daily subscription service i'm signed up for and
1 from the company spam manager account that is effectively (& ironically) spamming my account telling me that another account within the company with the same '' at the beginning but a different '' is recieving a shit-load of spam e-mails.
the only thing missing?
the near daily e-mails i get from telling me about great deals that might interest me... i'm expecting that later this afternoon.
1 from a daily subscription service i'm signed up for and
1 from the company spam manager account that is effectively (& ironically) spamming my account telling me that another account within the company with the same '' at the beginning but a different '' is recieving a shit-load of spam e-mails.
the only thing missing?
the near daily e-mails i get from telling me about great deals that might interest me... i'm expecting that later this afternoon.
Thursday, June 4, 2009

david carradine was found dead in hotel room in bangkok, thailand on june 3rd!
it's all very mysterious... he was found (eww) hanging from a nylon rope in the closet! carradine's rep says, 'David would never have taken his own life, he would never have committed suicude."
carradine was perhaps most famous for his role as kwai chang caine in the kung fu and kung fu: the legend continues series... those newer to the world of pop culture will know him as bill from the kill bill movies.
word of the day - jun 4 09
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
2. to pur off till another day or time; defer; delay.
yeah so my superior procrastination skills came back to bite me hard in the ass this morning and i was all busy with WORK all morning! like non-stop! unbelievable... i had to rush to get stuff done that was supposed to be finished last night because yesterday i was half-busy with stuff that should have been done the night before that! sounds pretty retarded, i know... i swear i'll be better at this concentration bit as soon as summer's over and the sun stops taunting me. what? summer hasn't even started yet? crap.
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
2. to pur off till another day or time; defer; delay.
yeah so my superior procrastination skills came back to bite me hard in the ass this morning and i was all busy with WORK all morning! like non-stop! unbelievable... i had to rush to get stuff done that was supposed to be finished last night because yesterday i was half-busy with stuff that should have been done the night before that! sounds pretty retarded, i know... i swear i'll be better at this concentration bit as soon as summer's over and the sun stops taunting me. what? summer hasn't even started yet? crap.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
a well-balanced diet
(503): You know, as long as there were ice cream breaks, I would totally eat chips for a living.
word of the day - jun 3 09
transitive verb
to catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; to discover, as a distance object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice; to see at a glance; to discern unexpectedly; to spy; as, to espy land; to espy a man in a crowd.
transitive verb
to catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; to discover, as a distance object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice; to see at a glance; to discern unexpectedly; to spy; as, to espy land; to espy a man in a crowd.
who for what now?

how exactly does that work?
apparently they are 'an international faith-based organization that addresses the realities of human sex trafficking, sexual violence, and exploitation link to pornography and the sex industry' and the organization (?) was founded by former prostitute/escort annie lobert...
aside from being based out of las vegas, i can't see what distinguishes them from any other group of calm white people campaigning for jesus... they have their list of beliefs pulled right from the bible... seriously, i don't know why they want to distinguish themselves as hookers... doing god's work in mysterious & demoralizing ways? ok, i can get behind their mission to 'abolish human trafficking on a global scale' but...
i guess their message is about unconditional love, no matter what your profession; especially if it's the oldest profession.
'Did you know that Jesus HUNG OUT with PROSTITUTES??? Yes. PROSTITUTES! AND... He never judged them!'
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
word of the day - jun 2 09
1. the quality or state of requiring immediate aid or action; urgency.
2. a case demanding immediate action or remedy; a pressing or urgent situation.
3. that which is demanded or required in a particular situation -- usually used in the plural.
1. the quality or state of requiring immediate aid or action; urgency.
2. a case demanding immediate action or remedy; a pressing or urgent situation.
3. that which is demanded or required in a particular situation -- usually used in the plural.
an observation
(508): Segways are the fanny packs of transportation. Useful in some situations, but you always look like a tool when using one.
foreign cuisine
when i heard this story on the radio this morning, i just knew i had to find it and post it! i mean, how could i not? it's just too... too... too something. i can't quite put my finger on it.
"China puts a stop to snake-bitten cock-in-a-pot"
BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese health authorities are putting a stop to restaurants serving chickens which have been bitten to death by poisonous snakes and cooked up for a supposedly detoxing meal.
The dish, served by a small number of eateries in the southern province of Guangdong and the southwestern city of Chongqing, has generated a storm of publicity and controversy in the Chinese media and amongst bloggers.
A video showing a cook holding a snake and forcing it to bite a live chicken until it dies has been widely circulated online, generating mainly angry comments.
"China puts a stop to snake-bitten cock-in-a-pot"

The dish, served by a small number of eateries in the southern province of Guangdong and the southwestern city of Chongqing, has generated a storm of publicity and controversy in the Chinese media and amongst bloggers.
A video showing a cook holding a snake and forcing it to bite a live chicken until it dies has been widely circulated online, generating mainly angry comments.
talk about leading questions...
this morning, i was doing this 'learning & development' survey for work and not only does whoever made up the survey have a fondness for the phrase 'to what extent' but they also know how to skew survey results... but i guess that's their job right? then you get headlines like, "surveys show that 90% of people would rather drive our cars than get gored by a bull!"
so here's the question i came to that gave me the most WTF response:
if you can't read that it says: I can clearly see that if I work hard and perform well I will be rewarded with increased responsibility.
so if i work hard, my reward is more work so i'll have to work even harder...
if you excel at your 8-hour a day job, you will be promoted and given three time the work to do and now you'll be working 12-hour days! just what every employee aspires to.
pretentious rant ahead...
i hate how society is SO work-oriented... it's always like work, work, WORK! go, go, GO! faster, harder, longer! work is more of your life than your actual life. it is impossible to imagine that tings need to be done THIS SECOND, 24-hours a day... stress and working ourselves overtime is what's killing us... working like a maniac give you cancer. there, i said it. just like rainbows and babies, your job is going to give you cancer too.
so here's the question i came to that gave me the most WTF response:

so if i work hard, my reward is more work so i'll have to work even harder...
if you excel at your 8-hour a day job, you will be promoted and given three time the work to do and now you'll be working 12-hour days! just what every employee aspires to.
pretentious rant ahead...
i hate how society is SO work-oriented... it's always like work, work, WORK! go, go, GO! faster, harder, longer! work is more of your life than your actual life. it is impossible to imagine that tings need to be done THIS SECOND, 24-hours a day... stress and working ourselves overtime is what's killing us... working like a maniac give you cancer. there, i said it. just like rainbows and babies, your job is going to give you cancer too.
Monday, June 1, 2009
smarter than a bowl of tapioca pudding

17-year-old super-geek and hockey lover lance pridham from alberton, PEI predicts that the detroit red wings will defeat the pittsburgh penguins for the 2009 stanley cup.
quote of the day
"is there any way to apply a regression line to predict the winner [of the stanley cup] this year?"
"ugh... you're going to want to ask someone a little more math-y that us... we might have been smart in high school but i'm pretty sure now all 4 of us together have a bowl of tapioca pudding."
"ugh... you're going to want to ask someone a little more math-y that us... we might have been smart in high school but i'm pretty sure now all 4 of us together have a bowl of tapioca pudding."
now THIS is rocket surgery!
proof of water on mars.
as opposed to this - not exactly rocket surgery.

word of the day - jun 1 09
1. unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion.
2. sure to occur, happen, or come; unalterable: the inevitable end of human life is death.
1. unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion.
2. sure to occur, happen, or come; unalterable: the inevitable end of human life is death.
if i haven't said it before...
i'm saying it now!
this is one ugly baby!
i'd imagine she got her perpetual grumpy face from her mother.
half the time i think her parents REALLY wanted a girl, got a boy, and went ahead with the girl thing anyway.
and i realize the inevitable irony of making fun of ugly babies and one day having ugly babies myself. thanks for inevitably pointing that out. and inevitably in everyone's life, there comes a point when they figure out that 'inevitably' is really a great word.
this is one ugly baby!

half the time i think her parents REALLY wanted a girl, got a boy, and went ahead with the girl thing anyway.
and i realize the inevitable irony of making fun of ugly babies and one day having ugly babies myself. thanks for inevitably pointing that out. and inevitably in everyone's life, there comes a point when they figure out that 'inevitably' is really a great word.
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