it's a collection of really short stories about how other peoples' lives suck. if you're feeling down, it's a really great pick-me-up! it has stories like these:
today, i finally got my cast taken off my leg after a long month of crutches. i was excited, until four dead spiders fell out. FML
today, my boyfriend was wearing a new shirt he had bought over the weekend. it was really cute and i always borrow his shirts so i asked to borrow his new one. he replied with, "okay but please don't stretch this one." FML
today, i was snuggling with my neighbours' four week old kitten while babysitting their kids. i fell asleep, rolled over, and woke up next to a dead kitten. FML
today, as i was washing the dishes, i felt what i thought was a mosquito on my leg. i kicked at it with my foot only to realize that i had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. now, whenever i come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
today, i was cutting a bagel only to slice the back of my hand with a knife. as i grabbed paper towels to clean up the blood, i noticed that the bagel was pre-sliced. FML
and so on... hours of entertainment... addictive entertainment...
bad news for productivity.
and just when i thought i'd beaten my addiction and resolved myself to doing work, i found a new site to occupy my time.
i'm pretty sure i went through ALL the existing pages (like 76 i think...) this morning in between doing little bits of work. if the videos had managed to make it past the work net nanny, it would have taken me oh so much longer than just a morning to get through it all...
allow me to present you with an example of something random that makes the site so much fun:

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