Tuesday, April 28, 2009

segue of the day

[...] Turns out these odd-looking ducks [muscovy ducks] with their large, heavy bodies and stubby legs are prized as farmyard – and even backyard – pets. Their chief attributes seem to be that, unlike, say, roosters or geese, muscovies are quiet. They're also hardy, easy to raise, and have a most useful appetite for flies. But perhaps it's their charming habit of wagging their tails, combined with their unusual head movements (Egyptian-like, people say) that has endeared them to so many. They're also reputed to be quite intelligent, to the point of even coming when called.

But where muscovies really shine is dinner.

wait... what?

Being tasty and lean - ...

didn't you JUST say they were charming and endearing?

They're said to have less fat and fewer calories per pound than turkey - muscovy is cooked dozens of ways, appearing in recipes from pate to entree platters. Peppercorn-crusted breast of muscovy duck with blueberries, anyone?

yes, go to great lengths to explain what excellent pets muscovies make and then move right along to cooking directions... if there's a better way to get an orphaned duck adopted, you certainly haven't bothered looking for it.

read more:
"Hershey the plucky mystery duck"

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