Friday, November 14, 2008

very aPEELing?

now i know i've had lame blog post titles before but this one takes the cake!

it's about bananas! and the peeling of bananas!

but not REAL bananas!

ever feel like peeling a banana but don't have the motivation to actually eat it afterwards? yeah, that happens to me ALL the time! (sidebar: actually, i think peeling bananas is the worst part... if you mush up the end too much, you'll never be able to open your banana without turning it into puree. this is why i prefer bananas that are just shy of ripe. that and they taste better than the banana compost you get otherwise.) well worry no longer! you shant have to waste a banana to get you banana-peeling giddies any longer! japanese useless gadget creaters have come up with The Dazzling Banana!!!

even has sound effects! oh man... could you imagine if it was scented too?!? can you imagine the lawsuits from all the people who almost choked on that thing because they mistook it for a REAL bananananananana???

now, for those of you with an aversion to bananas, you can still get your fake food unwrapping jollies! introducing the Puni Puni Edamame keychain!the satisfaction of de-podding edamame without the trouble of boiling beans in salt for never ending minutes or the hassle of climbing you lazy ass into you car and driving to the nearest japanese resturaunt!

and bonus! this edamame awesomeness will make you cry noodles!

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