Thursday, September 25, 2008

mildly disappointed...

so i went to see broadway monty python in the form of Spamalot the other night... i think i would have been more satisfied if i'd just stayed home and watched the actual movie.

it kind of makes me sad because i'd hyped it up in my mind so much and everyone who'd seen it said it was great and that i'd love it. i'm not even sure i'm in like with it. :(

i was more excited about the merchandise than anything... they had killer bunny slippers! sadly, they were 50 clams! i ended up settling for an overpriced stress vache - that's a cow for all you non-bilingual people. i'm currently entertaining suggestions for what to name it... so far, i've been told to call it simply 'vache' but i'm vetoing that.

anyway, back to the actual show. it was like watching a high school production of Spamalot. a very good high school production mind you but not exactly what i was looking forward too. all the jokes i loved from the movie sounded just so forced on stage. you know when you go to see amateur comedians and they think that the louder they are, the funnier they are? yeah, kind of like that... kind of like theater sports after all the good people left - if you missed this reference, don't worry about it, just keep reading. and talk about messing with the plot! i know it wouldn't be possible to cram in everything from the film but... but... but... no bridge keeper scene?!? and i know the production was written by eric idle and all but... but... but... no castle anthrax?!?

spoiler alter! all those who care about not spoiling the show for themselves if they're planning on seeing the show might want to skip this next paragraph. look away now!
lancelot is gay? so it made for some slight humour with all the dancing and spandex in neon colours... i suppose it helped that the performer playing lancelot was hot and when they ripped off his knight's 'armour' he was clad in red leggings, a leather vest, and a sparkly codpiece.

now... let's end with something nice... i liked camelot envisioned like las vegas! what happens in camelot, stays in camelot! oh and i did like the sing-a-long of 'bright side of life' at the very end.

well, at the very least we didn't have to endure big ol' gay clay aiken prancing about the stage. thank goodness for small miracles.

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