Tuesday, September 23, 2008

graduates of post-secondary education

peon 1: i suppose it's ok that you included [the others], however you do realize we can't talk about them now...

peon 2: we can just start another conversation loop outside this one...

peon 1: sidebar, lol. we haven't done one of those in a while.

peon 2: no, no, no... we can't sidebar and talk about them in THIS conversation... because they'll find out! we need to start a NEW one. geezes... i thought you of all people would have known that!

peon 1: i know! i'm saying our other conversation can be a separate one like a sidebar. get with the program!

peon 2: but THEY will see it!

peon 1: not if we stop cc'ing them!!! sigh - you did get your head checked right???

peon 2: but you keep cc'ing them WITH the sidebar!

peon 1: but this isn't a sidebar - well i guess it sort of is, it's sidebar about a sidebar, but not THE sidebar. the word has lost all meaning.
besides we're not actually talking about them, we're just talking about talking about them at some point when they won't be cc'ed. this should be interesting for them when they read this. wonder what their sidebar is going to say about us...

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