Monday, September 22, 2008

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

that's BPPV for short...
or it can just be BPV too...
apparently i have it. and i've been told that me having it is just a really fancy way of the doctors saying they don't actually know what's wrong with me. brilliant, no?

i had a little drama on friday where i had to sit on the floor in an unsuccessful attempt to make the world stop spinning... it was like i was just sitting there at my computer and all of the sudden out of nowhere, the world just tilted off and everything but me was falling off! not pleasant. it made me VERY dizzy and all the dizzy made me VERY nauseous. so dizzy and nauseous in fact that i was actually, physically weeping. so i got the honour of making a soggy, puddle of myself in front of all my very concerned co-workers. for future reference, i recommend NOT wearing a skirt to work when you're going to have to curl up in a ball on the office floor.

anyway... my mom dropped what she was doing at her job and rushed to collect me - isn't she a sweetheart? we went to the hospital for 6 HOURS and all they got done in that time was an IV and a cat scan... i think the IV might have been the worst part of my whole day - even worse than the dizzy-nauseous-weepy part!

well so much for TGIF, right?
i spent the weekend recovering and i feel much better today, although not quite 100% yet.

BPV is problem to do with the inner ear and you can read all about it here!

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