Monday, August 18, 2008


i am so not a fan of mornings...
it takes me a little while to get my head on straight and be thinking clearly.
sometimes, i get out the door in the morning and don't remember how i got there... clearly, some sort of miracle not orchestrated by me.
this morning i was pulling out of my driveway trying to remember if i did my makeup right. trying to think that maybe i'd get to work and have people start asking me if there was a female character in A Clockwork Orange and me being all like "wha...??" and having no idea what's going on because i had only lined one of my eyes all the while falsely thinking that i had done both... it's like when you (or maybe it's just me) go through an intersection and then have to think to yourself, "was that light actually green?"
i guess it's like your body running on autopilot... except i think mine has a few glitches.
by the by, i checked and my makeup's fine.

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