Monday, July 21, 2008

the wet set

in case you may or may not have noticed, it rained in and around the toronto area over the weekend. i didn't notice too much as i was enjoying the sunny weather north of the city.

anyhoo... my office sure noticed the precipitation.
walked in this morning to the most fantastic odour ever and soggy carpets. pretty much the entire main floor is wet...
you see, my office has this little problem with storm water backing up into this one room in the building. during the last storm, you could actually hear sound of the water rushing through the walls of that room and the carpet was bulging like it was breathing as water came in! in one of the most negligent cases of health & safety i have personally ever witnessed, to deal with the mould associated with the water problem, we normally just keep the door to that room closed. doors make the best fine particulate filters.
i heard it through the grapevine that this is the third (count 'em 1 - 2 - 3!) time we've had a major incident and this is the first time they've called the building manager... owing to my vast experience with water, if it were me, i'd be on the phone to the building manager and the insurance people so fast it's make you dizzy. but apparently no one around here gives a shit about water or mould...
but seriously! this is a major concern! i bet there is mould under all if not most of the carpet on the main floor. hello unsafe working conditions! people could get sick! no, not concerned with that? what's that? also not concerned with trying to rent this space to someone else after we move offices? water coming through the floor, mould infiltration? sounds like a wicked awesome bargain - i'll take it!
so everything here is damp and there's a fan going to help dry things out (band-aid on a major artery bleed) making things cold. cold and damp, everyone in summer clothes - super fantastic.
i'm calling in sick tomorrow.

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